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Jungkook woke up softly rubbing his eyes and yawning with a small pout on his slips, He then proceed to sit up and stare in a corner before actually getting up to see his mom.

He waddled downstairs with a blue bunny his has hands with a bowtie around its neck. "Mommy".His mom looked up at her son as he took a few steps towards her frowning. "Mommy.. whos that..?". The other male smiled as he and Jungkooks mom stood up smiling.

"Honey I found someone to watch you while you're little, and while I'm away overseas"

"O-oh, Well Hi I'm Jungkook! "He gave a wide bunny-like smile to the other charming male with blue hair, also smiling"Hello I'm Kim Taehyun-." "Blueberry.."Jungkook mumbled, Taehyung just laughed"Your hairs blue..so im gonna call you blueberry. Okay"Taehyung then nodded with a bright smile on his face. Jungkooks mom looked at her watch and shrieked, making Jungkook and Taehyung jump at the sudden noise.

"Mommy what's wrong...?"She looked up and panicked." I'm almost late for my flight, shit!" He frowned at his moms choice of word at the end of her sentence and let out an 'oh'. She ran over to Jungkook and give him a kiss and rushed to get her things, then yelled out a bye to the two males.

"Um blueberry?" Taehyung looked over at him and hummed" I'm hungry". Taehyung nodded.". Okay, what do you want to eat?". "Um Dino Nuggetsss.". He smiled happily. Taehyungs clapped his hands together and went to the freezer, opening it and takes little time to find the nuggets. But then he stopped and made a questioning look." Wait...you eat Dino nuggets for breakfast?". "Uuhhh- Yup".

Taehyung noted down that he should ask the littles mother tomorrow.


Jungkook was in his room specifically made for him when hes little, having a tea party with his stffies."Nokio..do you think Tatahyung would leave me too?". He askes the animals while they just sat there looking at him. "yeah I don't think so either, hes veryyy nice and pretty.". He starts giggling. "Hey Jungkook, are you hungry?. "No! Not hungry yet". He smiled. Taehyung hummed and walked back to the living room to sit down, but got right back up to answer the door again.

He peeked throw the hole and opened the door greeted by two midgets, a guy that looks like a horse(Im sorry hobi:(, another guy with wide shoulder's, and a guy with one lens in his shades...

"Um...May I help you?". The midget with blond hair stared at him whispered something under his breath about the weather being hot but then quickly put his attention back on me. "Hello..um Is, Is Jungkook still living here...By any chance"

Before Taehyung could say somethings he heard Jungkook panting as he had new clothes on and a lollipop in his mouth. "Oh hey Jiminie!!" He smiles widely before hugging the younger.

Jimin hugs him back then looks at Taehyung. "Oh! Hyungie, That's bluberry!" "Yah! you're just gonna forget the rest of us like that!! Aishh.". Jungkook pouted and looked away from him. "sorry Jin and Hoseokie..and Yoonie...and Joonie Hyunggggg.

Jin walked in and hugged the younger saying he was just joking, then turning to Taehyung smiling. "Hi Im Jin" He said holding his hand out to shake Taehyungs "Taehyung..Kim Taehyung!" He smiled back. Hoseok them smiled at taking turning a little pink when the younger smiled back, I-Im Hoseok.." Taehyung smiled at him again "Im Taehyung nice to meet you" Jungkook then whined out loud.

Taehyung rushed to his side and frowned. "Oh..whats the matter sweetie? Hmm" The younger gripped onto Taehyungs sleeve and pouted. "Taking too long". Taehyung then chuckled patting the youngers hair. "They'll go faster.".


After everyone introduced themselves, they all went to the living room. Taehyung sat down on the couch scrolling through twitter while, Jimin, Jin, And Namjoon were playing with Jungkook, Yoongi somehow feel asleep, and Hoseok sitting by Taehyung. "So.. is this your first time babysitting?". Taehyung toke his eyes off of his phone and faces Hoseok." Oh No..I've babysat before.".

"O-" Jungkook Sighs loudly and jumps up onto Taehyung."Pway wif me". Taehyungs raised his eyebrows and looks at the younger. "But..there's Jin, Jimin And Namjoon?" The younger pouts. "But! I want to pway wif new fwennd" Jin suddenly jumped up and screamed making Taehyung hold on tighter to Jungkook. " MY CAKEE!!..My cAkKee IS GOnNA BURNN!! GET UP RATS!!!! UP"

Jimin laughed while whispering. "Fakue Cake Fakue Ca- Ow!"He got slapped in the head By Jin who was glaring at him, then turned to Taehyung and Jungkook smiling. "Sorry Kookie we'll be back another day okay sweetie?". Jungkook smiled. "okay Jinnie! Bye bye everyone!"

"TaeTae?" Jungkook shook the boy who was on his phone again. "Yes bun?" Jungkook giggled at the name. "Can I sit wif you? And watch Tv?". Taehyung smiled then nodded. "Of course.". He patted the spot next to him gesturing the younger to sit. Jungkook smiles excitedly and asked Taehyung to turn the tv on and put on cartoons for him.


A few hours later of Jungkook constantly walking around and jumping with excitement while watching tv he finally fell asleep on the elders shoulder, smiling softly at the boy leaning on him, he slowly took Jungkooks arm from his and placed it around his neck to pick Jungkook in  bridal style, He walked up the stairs to Jungkooks room, which was slightly lit up by the stars on the ceiling. "Bun.." He whispers to younger sleeping already. "Hey lets get changed.". Jungkook then whines "Leave..I'll Change tomorrow.."

Taehyungs never seen or heard Big Jungkook, he thought he would still be little, since he's only babysat 1-4 year olds. "oh, Okay well night then." The younger hummed and fell back to sleep again.

Jungkook hummed and fell back to sleep. Taehyung walked out and went to the room right next to Jungkook, he took off his shirt and pants  then put some shorts on, closing the door, and turning off the lights, he silently got into the bed and drifted off too sleep.

soo I think im just gonna be updating on Wednesdays and Fridays. sometimes Saturdays??

and ya.. okey.

Word Count: 1042

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