A Prince, Not A Pawn

Start from the beginning

Grabbing his spear, he exited the room to head down into the depths of the castle, toward the cells.

He made it down there quickly despite the wanderer's pace he tried to take, and when he arrived he saw Thor and all his little friends waiting.

He shrunk down to his normal height instead of his giant height and began unlocking their cells, starting with Iron Man. He had heard Thor call him Man of Iron yesterday, but both the Captain and Stark himself had said Iron Man so that's what Loki was going with.

The silence allowed for Loki to reign in the beast that was his wrath today. However, his calming breaths were interrupted by a certain blonde God in the cell behind him.

"Brother, please, you can not really wish to be here with them! I can guarantee that you are no prince here, merely a pawn!" Thor said condescendingly.

An icy fire lit once again in Loki's heart. He was many things, and generally he could let insults roll off his back, but Thor always made Loki the angriest and his insults knew how to dig their claws in.

It upset the Jotun how easily Thor could bother him, and it upset him even more that the blonde had the nerve to say things like that to Loki.

His anger surfaced in one white hot flash.The Avengers (even Tony, but not Thor) seemed to realize it was best to stay quiet during this time or risk having his frosted wrath directed toward them.

Screw politics. It. Was. On.

Loki was turned around in a flash, and his ruby eyes were pulsing with a fury that made even the mighty Thor flinch. His fists clenched at his sides, and the smooth markings on his azure skin seemed to ripple and sharpen at what was being perceived as a threat.

"One, I am not your brother. I never have been and never will be. Two, do not insult my people by insinuating that I would want to be anywhere besides here with them, this is where I belong. Three, I may have been a pawn in Asgard, but here I am just as much a Prince as you are." Loki snapped with a deadly calm of barely contained lividness.

He took a step closer to the cell and Thor took a step back. Loki had to push down a growl at the cowardice.

"Remember well, Aesir, this is not Asgard. You will watch your manners and your tone, or you will suffer the consequences. All Jotuns are equal here and if you insult anyone, then you will be punished just like any other ill-tempered visitor who believes they are better than us." Loki's attractive face pulled into a sneer before he turned it back into his blank expression.

"Now, I shall get back to unlocking your cells so that you may enjoy some of the festivities." He finished and went back to unlocking Tony's cage.

After unlocking everyone except Thor, he began walking to the door while the others froze momentarily.

"Um....are we supposed to just leave him?" Bruce questioned Steve. The Captain just shrugged because he was confused as well, but Loki replied to the question for them all.

"Thor won't be attending. If you wish to stay with him then you may, or you can come join the party and receive a tour from me." He said simply. "Asgardians are not allowed to our parties or our tours after the War and other certain....incidents."

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