07 (don't question the) shenanigans

Start from the beginning

SECONDARY INVESTIGATOR (S.I.): I know. It must have been very difficult.

WITNESS: (wavering voice) It all feels like a horrid dream.

P.I.: (silence)

S.I.: (earnest voice) I'm very sorry, Teruko-san.

WITNESS: No... (sniffing; shakes head) God. It's nothing. (muffled voice) Nothing compared to what she's going through.


- silence -


P.I.: Did you have an opportunity to speak with Arisa-san when she was in the hospital?

WITNESS: (silence)

WITNESS: (quiet) Yes. I went to see her several times. (shaky voice) It was... It was awful, seeing her in that state.

P.I.: I would imagine. Did she say anything?

WITNESS: Not a word. (silence) The first time I heard her speak afterwards was in the days following the funeral...

WITNESS: (silence; sniffing)

P.I.: (silence)

WITNESS: But even since then.... (clears throat) Even since then, it's obvious to me how much she's changed. I've never seen her like this...even when her mother died. So seeing her this way... it just tears me apart.

P.I.: (silence)

WITNESS: ...it's hard. (muffled sob) It's really, really hard...!

P.I.: (chair creaking) Teruko-san.

WITNESS: I don't know if she'll ever get over this. And it scares me.

P.I.: Are you concerned that she might harm herself?

WITNESS: I... (silence)

WITNESS: (halting voice) I don't.... I don't know for sure. I won't lie and say I've never had the thought that she might. (sniffs) But it's... Obviously, we don't know what she's thinking for sure and...-

P.I.: I understand. (papers rustling) Just... (clears throat) Please don't hesitate to call us or your father if you think you might have a reason to suspect. (resolute) We want to make sure that everyone gets the support they need.

WITNESS: (nods; voice wavering) Alright. (sniffs) Thank you.

P.I.: I don't ever want either of you to feel like you're alone in this. Because you aren't -


P.I.: - and my team and I, we're going to do everything in our power to get to the bottom of this. No matter what it takes.

S.I.: (nods)

WITNESS: (quiet) Thank you.

WITNESS: (silence)

WITNESS: (chair creaking) Do you know... If... (hesitates)



- silence; clock ticking -



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