With that, Patton walks away from the officer and into the EMS to see Roman.

Pattons POV

I was blinded by rage. I cant even quite remember what I said, but by the look that the officer and Logan gave me as I walked over to see Roman, I know it was bad.

I felt like steam was coming out of my ears. I had never been si angelry in my life. And when I mean never, I mean never. I wasn't angry, no, I was furious. It felt like instead of blood, my quickened heart was pumping rage through my body. Fueling my muscles and brain. I wanted vengeance. And I wanted it now.

After talking with the EMS officers, and agreeing to meet them at the nearest hospital in an hour, I walk out of the truck and over to the few trees making up a small woods beyond the pavement behind the police department. I wanted to punch something, and I if I didnt punch something fast, I had a feeling I was going to end up punching an officer, or Logan. Either way earning my place in a jail sell conveniently located directly behind where I was standing.

I walk over to the nearest tree. I run my hand down the ruff bark. It is a tall tree, one of the tallest in the small wood. It has ruff and bumpy bark, but not sharp edges. The bark rolls up and down, almost like a steady ocean. I find a place right at elbow height that is smooth, but not too smooth. I caress the spot, almost apologizing to the tree in advance. I then bend my fist at the elbow and punch with my full force. Bark goes flying away. That feels good. I punch over and over again. Sticky sap seeping through my clenched fist and hard wood chips flying into my eye. I crouch lower and let my other fist join in on the steady beat of punches.

I punch and punch. Covered from head to toe in wood chippings, bark, and sap. My fists throb, but the pain only fuels me to punch harder. I am surprised that no one stops me. I had felt Logans presence a few feet behind me awhile back, but he had not made a move to stop me. He instead watched as I beat the tree that had done nothing to deserve this punishment, just like Roman. That thought fuels my body with more energy and rage, and I punch even harder and faster.

After maybe half and hour if beating this one tree, I slow and look at my work. A massive hole encases one side of the tree. Sap seeping down the hole and filling it, like blood in an open wound. Wood chippings litter the ground as well as bark. This tree cant take anymore punches, but I still have rage and anger to take out on something. I look back at Logan who is leaning against another tree looking at me. He nods, and I move to the tree next to the one I had beaten, and continue. I didnt spend as long on the second tree as the first one, but it had to be at least 10 minutes. When it came to around the 10 minute mark my rage and anger was quickly replaced by sorrow and despair. My feelings of vengeance and fury, quickly being changed out for guilt and desolation. My punches slowly cease, and I crumple to my knees and cry.

Before I know it I feel strong arms wrapping around my waist, and I'm being pulled into someone's lap. I know Logan is there, obviously feeling uncomfortable, but still trying to comfort me. And I am grateful for it. I feel his gentle hand caressing my crazy, dirty hair. I turn and curl up in his lap. I lay my head on his chest. I can feel him stiffen, but he doesnt move to make me get off. I cry into his chest, him trying his best to comfort me for a few minutes before my tears cease, and I am curled up in his lap trembling. He pucks up my hands and gently runs his fingers over my bruised and bleeding knuckles. He is heisident, but he raises my hands to his lips and gingerly kisses them, like I do to all of the of the others wounds. I realize that while I had been there to comfort everyone else when they were hurting, I had no one to comfort me when I was. I am grateful for Logan, and I let the rest of the world sink away, till all that is left is me and Logan. He smiles and looks down at me. He uses his thumb to wipe away any remnants of the tears I had cried. When all those are gone his thumb makes circle movements on my cheek.
"All better" He says. I smile and nod. I hesitate, then stretch up and kiss his cheek. I then get up from his lap and make my way towards the car.

He is stiff getting up, and when he thinks I am not looking he softly touches the place I kissed him on. I smile to myself. He had probably never had contact like that before. We make put way to the car and get in. We strap in and we are on our way.

We have a family member in the hospital.

Sorry for the wait! Writers block is a terrible thing. I hope a little longer chapter makes up for it. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. It was actually kinda fun to write. Again, any and all feedback is amazing and greatly appreciated! I want to know how I am doing. I also want to know what you guys think of the book so far. I hope you guys have an awesome day!

Till next time!

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