"You look lovely considering..." Sir Diablo gave a backhanded compliment referring to him having his guards beat the shit out of me.

Tabatha followed him coming out of the room with security and I could tell this was a whole family affair. But why am I here?

"Would you like to eat, you're punishment is done. You're allowed to eat now." I haven't eaten in almost a week. My stomach growled at the mention of her even bringing up food. But I wasn't going to let them see me weak, I rather starve to death than take food off their plates.

They probably poisoned it. 

"I'm fine." squinting their eyes at me it was ill-mannered to not thank them.

"I'm not thanking you for offering me food when you've starved me for days." Lady Diablo did a little chuckle. Although the disrespect was little that I was giving her, she hadn't had some talk back to her in years.

Tabatha gave a cutting look, and I could tell she wanted me to stop to avoid more hell coming my way but I was done.

I wasn't a slave and I refused to be quiet especially since they beat me like I was.

Sir Diablo put his hand over her's to calm her down and she took a deep breath before continuing. "Why do you wish to go disobey us. We have helped with so much especially you, we've tried to treat you like our own since your parents died." That got caught me off guard and I couldn't help but laugh.

"They would be so dis-"

"Don't fix your lips to tell me my parents would be disappointed in me. I've done nothing but try to figure out how I can get this community back whole but you have everyone brainwashed."

"Brainwashed!" Her whole voice rung across the room as she yelled. Security was still looking at me surprised that I had even had the balls to go against her.

"I am done with your disrespect. I have done nothing but fix the mistakes your family made. You've changed, you're not the little girl I knew who kept her mouth shut and was well mannered."

She was wrong I was well mannered, I was quiet, and I was indeed shy and weird. But she had this operation going on for too long, and I couldn't sit here and act like I praised her like everyone else did.

"I am all of those things but I won't put up a facade for people I have no respect for."

"You and my daughter use to be best friends, now you have to keep a facade to talk to her?" I could tell by that response she wasn't aware of the reason we stopped talking. It seems like Diablo was too busy being on a high horse that she didn't have time to be a mom. 

"As I said, I won't put up a facade for people I have no respect for." I looked over at Tabatha. "I am sorry you have this as your mother." 

Tabatha looked at me with sad eyes before turning the other direction avoiding eye contact

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Tabatha looked at me with sad eyes before turning the other direction avoiding eye contact.


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