Brother! Arc - Viginti Unus

Start from the beginning

"Rei." Chuuya called, finally brought her back to reality.

Rei nodded and quietly followed the ginger inside. Unlike other ones she had been to, this orphanage stirred up an uneasy feeling within her, something she despised but she couldn't tell the reason to it. There was no one outside to greet them either, they knocked but there was no answer. Later on, they both were even compelled to leave by a caretaker who just returned from the garden outside.

"I know this is rather uncomfortable for you all since we didn't make any appointment with you firstly, but I take it a quick visit won't be too troublesome for you?"

The woman with the basket in hand was still very determined, she didn't open the door for them to come in even if it meant that she too had to stay outside. "You have no business here." She glared at the two.

"Hey woman, if we have no business here we wouldn't have come." Chuuya replied with heat. Rei held out a hand to stop him.

"If it is that much inconvenient for you, we will leave." 

With that soft smile, those onyx orbs turned cold, exuding malice as they stared into the other one's eyes. The woman gripped on her basket tightly, sweats pouring from her forehead the moment she saw those eyes gazing at her. It was difficult to even utter a word. 

"Have a-"

But before Rei could finish her goodbye, the door swung open, revealing a tall, slender man standing behind. All eyes drew to him, but with a stern face he remained still in his spot.

"Come in." He directed at the two redheads.

Rei offered him a bow and a smile before pulling Chuuya inside the orphanage. The interior shared no less of the dark essence. It was quiet, there wasn't a sound of children laughing or talking, there wasn't any sounds other than their footsteps. They passed through the hallway, through a stained-glass window where the kaleidoscopic lights lay vibrantly on the ground, falling on those who were walking. 

"We will talk here."

The man sat down on the chair behind the desk, holding his hand out to show the two of their seats. Rei averted her gaze from him to the surroundings, scanning quickly through the room before sitting down next to Chuuya.

"I am the Headmaster of this orphanage. Now, may I ask what is your purpose here? I assume it's not adoption." 

"Not necessarily, but we are here to look for someone." Chuuya spoke on behalf of the girl next to him. 

It was settled before they arrived that Chuuya would take on the pleasure of talking while Rei investigated a little more about the orphanage. Although the man had his gaze mostly on Chuuya, he didn't let Rei escape from his view either.

"Who is it that you're looking for?"

"A boy, about 14 or 15 now. He has black hair and eyes, he has a lot of scars on his back. He was admitted to here about 4 months ago I believe."

There was not a wave of emotion on the face of the man, his countenance remained the same ever since the moment they met, a grim countenance. 

"There are plenty of children here that fit the description, I would need something more specific than what you gave." 

Rei was taken by surprise as she heard the man. Even the scars? She wondered what the children here were put through to even be fitting with the description of having a lot of scars on their bodies. Yet, giving the appearance of the place as well as the behaviors of the people here, the saying wouldn't be too much a surprise anymore.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now