As I examined the three rooms,  I chose the room with the view of our backyard. Our back yard had an outside kitchen, a big pool with a hot tub, a fire pit area and a big open lake. I could get used to this. My parents had our stuff all delivered and there were boxes everywhere. My room had a wooden bed in the middle of it with mirrors and chairs around it. I opened up the double glass doors to the balcony. The sunset tonight was going to be beautiful.  I started unpacking my things and when I was done, my phone started ringing. Kelsey was calling me.

"Kelsey!!!" I screamed into the phone.

"Oh my gosh, I can not believe you are back! Are you excited for your first party tonight?" Kelsey asked.

"Uhhh yea I guess. When are we getting ready?" I asked while walking into my closet.

"Come over in an hour!"Kelsey said and then hung up the phone.

Kelsey was a very bubbly person and so was I. Maybe that's why we got along so well.

I did not know what to wear so I texted Kelsey what type of party it was and she responded saying it was a pool party and was Hawaiian theme. I picked our a white bikini with light washed jean shorts. I wore my white sneakers with the outfit. I went to go grab a bright Hawaiian shirt and buttoned it up. I'll unbutton it when I get to the party but I was not going to meet Kelsey's parents with my bikini showing.

As I head downstairs I said bye to my parents and gave them a kiss. I hopped into my all black Audi that I am so grateful my parents got me for my 17th birthday and drove to the neighborhood across from mine. As I walked to the door, I rung the doorbell and Kelsey's parents gave me a big smile.

"Sydney!! My goodness, how long has it been? You've grown up so much. Look at you, you're so tall and beautiful." Mrs. Richards said as she pulled me into a big hug.

"Hi Mrs. Richards, I've missed you and Mr. Richard so much" I replied as I gave Mrs. and Mr. Richards a hug.

"How many times have I told you to call us Mary and Bill" Mary said while laughing.

"Sorry, It's been a while I forgot" I replied

"It's okay dear, Kelsey is in her room. You can go up there." Bill said while walking to go sit on the couch.

As I head up to Kelsey's room I look at the pictures on their walls. There was a photo of Kelsey and me as kids. If you thought my house was grand, Kelsey's house was like a mansion. She had two older brothers in college, a twin brother our age, and a sister around Megan's age.

"Kelsey!!!!" I screamed as I ran into her room to give her a hug. It's been about 5 years since I last saw her and I really missed her.

"Sydney!!!!! Wow, you look so different and tall" Kelsey said she looked me up and down.

I've lost a lot of weight this summer. Back at my last school, many people didn't want to admit that I was fat but I knew I was. I was always fat and my ex-boyfriend reminded me every day. I really thought that we were in love, but he never truly loved me. The relationship was toxic. Thinking back, I don't know why I stayed it in for so long. Maybe it was because it was my first relationship and I convinced myself that I was in love. But that was not love.

"Surprise! I lost a few pounds over the summer" I replied while looking down.

"Hey you looked beautiful then and you look beautiful now! Don't let those jerks from your old school get to you." She said with sad eyes.

"So a party?" I asked while trying to switch topics.

"Yea it's the biggest one this school year." She replied while looking in her closet.

"Is that THE famous Sydney that Kelsey and my parents won't shut up about?" Mike, Kelsey's twin brother asked while walking into Kelsey's room. I've always had a little crush on Mike. He was hot. And when I say hot, I mean Harry Styles hot.

"Hi Mike," I said while giving him a hug. Even if Kelsey and Mike were twins, he was a foot taller than her.

"Wow, look at you, You look so different. Even though it has been 5 years since I have last seen you." Mike said while looking me up and down, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and giggles. I went to go place my make up bag on Kelsey's vanity.

"You're so creepy Mike," Kelsey says as she walks out in a hot pink bikini. Her body was like a model. She was short but wasn't too short. She was like the perfect height.

"Yea whatever sis, you're just mad that I think your best friend is hot," Mike says as he ruffles Kelsey's hair and walks out.

"I can't believe he's still on that" Kelsey mutters as she sits next to me.

"On what?" I questioned.

"He always thought you were cute when we were growing up but I thought he grew out of that" Kelsey says while starting on her makeup.

"Good to know" I chuckled and started on my make up.

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