Before the Tale.../Author's Notes

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~This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.~

No copyright infringement intended.
Caution: The story contains some themes which might be considered sensitive by some readers.

Hello! It's me again.

It's been a long time.

This is a remake of my first story here in Wattpad. It hasn't really aged well, and since it was my first story, it lacked many things when it came to the writing quality.

I am using the same base for the story, (and same cover too! I'll never get tired of it, it's so great xD) and well... I sacrificed all the old comments and votes of the old book. Here's hoping we can create new memories of this one!

I wanted to redo everything from the start to stop myself from becoming inconsistent with the story and well... make it 100% better. I'm aiming for 200%! I changed up many of the names, characters, and other elements from the old version, especially the dialogue! Hopefully, it's more fleshed-out and realistic this time.

Anyways, I'm still looking to improve! If you find anything lacking especially in the consistency and the grammar, please tell me so I can work on it better in the following chapters!

Also, I won't keep a strict update schedule on this one so there won't be any rush to the story! I've learned it the hard way, trust me xD

Again, thank you for checking out my work! It means a lot to me. My greatest wish is to make people happy by using my imagination. I hope I can fulfill that wish!

I would once again like to thank my friends for inspiring me to write, especially the two of my closest friends,  and lastwill-! They're some of the best people I've known. They also gave me the strength to continue working on my books when I felt down!

This story is still a work-in-progress~

The cover was made by fellow Kingdom Hearts fan and cinnasibling lastwill-!! Please check out Wallen's works~ Wallen is a god-tier writer (also the person who always gets me out of my writer's blocks lol) who makes some of the finest stories, especially those focusing on the psychological aspects of life.

Well then, please enjoy!


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