"Sharp mouth, baby." Taeyong lets out a feisty smirk. This will be interesting. You got a load of trouble there Cal. 


"Why did you allow a stranger into our home!? Mom would not be amused by that move Cal." Seulgi ranted at her brother who freshly came out of the shower.

"He's my friend Seulgi. He agreed to me that he'll never do something that will take him back to jail."

"What now, you trust him!?" Seulgi's eyes widened from her brother's response. She put both of her hands on her waist. "I can't believe that a police trusts a fucking ex-convict!"

"Seulgi I am really tired right now!" Cal now argued. "It'll be just temporary okay? He's a good guy who chose a wrong path and now he wanted to start over. I just wanted to help."

"Cal you're out of your mind." Seulgi can't deny that she's also worrying about their safety. What if that Taeyong guy suddenly kills both of them? Don't get her wrong, despite her attitude, she loves her brother. Cal saw Seulgi's point. He knew that something might go wrong and well, he prays that nothing will. He stepped closer to his sister and gave her a quick hug before releasing her, "I'm like a stressed mom who gave birth to two troublemakers."

"You're kidding right Cal?" She wanted him to say that it was just a joke but all she got was Cal's soft smile. "Goodnight Seulgi."


"Whoa! Good Morning grumpy head." Lee Taeyong greeted Seulgi, who's at the stairs with eyes not amused of what she's seeing right now.

"What the fuck?" That was her reaction upon seeing a half-naked chef at the kitchen. Lee Taeyong had prepared breakfast and cooked variety of foods on the table.

"Nice greeting brat." Taeyong shot back as he opened up the blinds that allowed the sun to illuminate the whole room. The smell of the roasted potted chicken lingered around the kitchen and Seulgi cannot deny the thought that he might be a good cook.

But Seulgi hated his aura for some reasons.

"Why are you staring at me? You want this body?" Taeyong teased her for a bit. Not that he's attracted to her or anything.

"Uh ew?" Seulgi retorted. "I like big buff daddies sorry. Not interested with criminals."

"Wow, coming from a bully."

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep."

"No!" Taeyong hurriedly retorted and ran towards Seulgi's direction, his apron dangling around his neck. "Cal said that you need to go to school immediately and apologize to that cute girl Kim Yerim."

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