Lots of Explanations

Start from the beginning

At least the yelling had paid off in one way it had gotten Shigaraki's attention, the teal haired man slowly turned around. "Spinner leave him alone," his voice was soft and the depression could be heard from a mile away. "Izuku's worth more to me than you are so if he killed you, you'd be on your own." His red eyes leveled with the lizardman causing him to back down.

Izuku gave a sympathetic smile to his friend while he did feel bad for causing his friend pain he didn't regret it for a moment. 'this is necessary All for One and All Might were too dangerous to be left alone I couldn't let them ruin my perfect world. But the least I can do is clean up my mess and help my friend.' He let his hand fall onto Shigaraki's shoulder, "ya look like shit."

A chuckle escaped the older boy. "Yeah I guess your right." He looked back down into his drink like it held all the answers.

Trying not to let his friend dwell in his thoughts (A/N: What my friends did for me not the pool but keeping me from my thoughts) Izuku picked up a pool stick, and tossed it to the teal haired villain. "Hey how bout a quick game?" Then he tossed two gloves he'd cut all the fingers out of except for the pinkies. "Now you can't disintegrate the pool que."

Izuku was given a rare calm smile from his friend as he put the gloves on. "You know what that sounds nice."

After three games everyone else left, and Izuku was setting up the table while Shigaraki got ready to break. Izuku finally decided to cut to the chase without anyone else around. "So want to talk about it," he asked as he removed the triangle.

"Talk about what," the older boy asked feigning ignorance.

Refusing to let him off the hook Izuku pressed on, "disbanding the League, ring any bells?"

Instead of answering directly Shigaraki focused on the que ball, "Hey do you know where I was before sensei found me?" Shigaraki paused and looked at his redheaded friend before continuing. "I was orphaned in a hero fight, and everyone always blames the casualties on the villains you know." Izuku nodded prompting him to go on, "Well it wasn't that villains fault I lost my family it was the stupid fucking hero. He didn't give a shit about the bystanders and attacked with his full strength, against a villain with a shitty stretching quirk. He killed the villain and six bystanders just because he could." Shigaraki then took a long pause to reign in his temper. "I was left starving and on the street since no one wanted a kid who's quirk was as dangerous as mine and who had no control over it. I was half dead when sensei found me, he took me in and taught me himself. I knew what he did was seen as wrong by the world but I didn't care because for the first time since that incident there was someone who gave me a family and a purpose." Shigaraki's sad crimson eye's met Izuku's sympathetic ruby ones, "what am I supposed to do now that I lost my family and my purpose again? Was I just not strong enough to protect them?" He started to scratch his neck making it bleed, "I'm not sure I want to live like this anymore."

Determination rolled over Izuku, determination to keep his friend out of that place he'd gone through not to long ago, the line of thinking that had unlocked his quirk in the first place. He set the triangle he'd been holding up to this point down and stalked over to his friend. Izuku's fist fell onto Shigaraki's head quickly and without warning, "the hell are you thinking. Sensei would be ashamed if he heard you talking like that, he saved you and gave you a purpose, yes. But that purpose wasn't to mindlessly do what he told you. He's gone and he's not coming back, but your still here you can still make a difference. How are my kids going to grow up not knowing their Uncle Shigaraki?"

Shigaraki stared in shock, never before had Izuku in his regular form ever raised his voice to him, and never had he sounded so mad. Unsure of him self Shigaraki meekly whispered back, "then what am I supposed to do?"

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