Luke shook his head 'no only members of the Pack that haven't found their mates would come here with permission from the Alpha which normally was given anyway because of our fathers and now Sean. Occasionally our fathers would set up a meeting and your mum would cook one hell of a feast' Luke's greens went a dull green 'but a meeting like this hasn't happened for a long time till today' I remember those days when his father would come over with Luke, I would always say to father that as a future Alpha that I needed to be there, I was only there to be around Luke. I would dream about him but knew I couldn't have him, he hadn't shifted yet and once he did, he would find his mate. I know my father saw straight through that lie but never said anything. I felt Luke's fingers tracing patterns on my shoulder. I shook my head and looked up to see my mother was standing in front of me holding plates with a piece of cake 'this is for each of you, after the events that happened not long ago, we decided to just hand out the cake' I nodded and we each took a plate 'thank you mum' she nodded and walked away, her head held higher 'ready for your first shift tonight? Though I had thought you would've shifted earlier when your wolf made an appearance' I nodded my head and took a bite of the cake and let out a moan 'oh my god this tastes so good' Luke growled in my ear 'that sound isn't helping me Nora. I don't care if it's a cake, and how good it is. I'm going to make you moan just by me being with you' I gulped and looked into his eyes 'come with me, I want to talk to you alone' I nodded my head and took his extended hand, placed my cake on the table and we walked to the edge of the trees

'I've promised you that we would take our time but I'm going to find that very hard when you say and do certain things' Luke stepped closer to me backing me up against the tree his hands were either side of my head 'I need to keep my self-control Nora and I can control myself but you must choose your words and actions wisely' Luke closed the gap between us his lower half against mine 'your brother won't like that his little sister is with me but he can go and get fucked' Luke put his head in the crook of my neck smelling me 'I have to go back to my Pack but I will see you later' he pulled back from my neck and placed his lips onto mine, his lips were soft and gentle. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders my hands going to his hair, his hands going to my waist. Deepening the kiss Luke started sucking on my bottom lip making me moan. Luke suddenly pulled away breaking the kiss our foreheads pressed against one other, eyes closed and catching our breathes 'I need to go now. The smell of your arousal is making me lose my mind' I opened my eyes to see his greens were gone, replaced by black orbs with specks of gold the sign of lust. Luke removed his hands from my waist and reached up to untangle my hands from his hair. With a kiss to my forehead Luke turned around and ran deep into the forest.

Heading back to the party with a smile on my face, I saw Sean coming towards me, eyes a deep midnight blue 'Nora what did Luke say to you?' The smile fell from my face 'does it matter?' Sean growled 'yes! If he hurts you...' I rolled my eyes 'don't start this again Sean. He's your friend I don't think he'll do anything to make you want to kill him' I walked away but Sean grabbed my arm and looked at my neck. Growling at Sean, I yanked my arm out of his grip 'he didn't Mark me so relax' I walked away heading to my mother and Rachel 'Nor thanks for what you did. I mean it was idiotic and you could've gotten seriously injured or worse' mum looked at me her eyes shining with pride 'your wolf appeared, you're ready to shift' mum placed her cheek against mine 'my daughter. A future Alpha becoming a future Luna' I sighed 'you will be a prefect Luna. It took me a little while to get used to my new status but I got the hang of it. See I was a high ranked female wolf when I met your father and becoming Luna was tough for me. Each Alpha is different and with the Alpha comes a pack. It was a big responsibility for me and I wasn't used to the idea of being this high ranked but you'll be the best Luna that pack has had since his mother' mum kissed me on the cheek and we continued talking about random things till thankfully the party ended

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