"Ember! Let's train." The fire called from within the cave making Ember grumble internally as she got up, her muscles still aching from the flying that she had done the days before she had smelt the storm brewing and had looked for a suitable place to stay for however long the storm decided to hand around for.

When Ember turned a corner that lead to a cavern inside the mountain, she started speaking as her eyes adjusted to the light that the fire made as it stood in the centre. "I should rest, my muscles are sore, and I don't want to exert them again today and again tomorrow. Practice on your own." She said and turned around and walked back to the area that the mouth was, and rested towards the back of the cave, staying out of reach for any stray droplets of rain and fell asleep, ignoring the fire's protests that echoed and let her thoughts drift.
Snarling, Air blasted a boulder on the mountain with some wind whilst the storm grew worse around the silver deity, were most creatures in these lands stupid? Maybe they inherited the stupidity from the gods and goddesses that were sat, waiting for something interesting to happen, but whoever had been stupid first, they certainly provided inspiration for the fellow creatures.

The wind started to die down as Air regained their temper, which had been raging because of two reasons. One, the other gods and goddesses who does nothing, the second for the leaders of the two largest armies of this continent. Feeling as though they were back in control of their temper, Air walked into the darkness which had appeared with a single thought from Air.

All was silent as Air walked out of the darkness, the vibrations from the last words were still drifting about, as were the ripples from the movement from eleven deities that looked to where Air had just walked out of.

"Ditch that stupid plan. Maybe we should concentrate on the events that are to happen down on the world rather than your personal desires." Air said, their voice blunt. Stupid- I need to think of a different word for stupid- hummingbirds. Air started to list synonyms for stupid. Unintelligent, ignorant, dense, mindless, simple-minded, witless, barmy, brain-dead, gormless, injudicious... Air continued to list, until they were brought back to their sense as everyone looked at Air, expecting an answer.

"Pardon. what did you injudicious lizards say?"
Grudgingly waking, Ember slowly opened her eyes and looked straight out of the cave, her eyes looking at the grey clouds that peacefully drifted across the sky at their leisurely pace. She would spend the entire daytime flying and, depending on the wind direction, may arrive at the ancestral home of the fire dragons. Getting to her feet, she started stretching, looking at the sky- noting the wind direction- where the clouds were drifting south, she would arrive by tomorrow afternoon or earlier. What a strange world this was, she was going to watch- essentially spy- upon those that had raised her during the first year of her life, then she was going to end the war she was going to fight in using a different method she would have used if she had stayed.

Let's get this mess tidied up then. Ember thought as she spread her wings and jumped into the air. She turned south and flew towards her biological family, towards where she hatched, towards whatever was waiting for her.
The flight went smoothly, the wind helped her to fly towards the territory, during the stronger winds, she just let them propel her, whilst other times she had to flap, which meant that she could conserve some of her energy. The trees had disappeared a fair few moments ago, and the grass was starting to disappear under her as she carried on flying. The sky in the distance was stained purple from the constantly erupting volcano east of the main population of the fire, shadow, demon, night and lava species of dragon. The rocks became darker and darker until they were the same colour as those she had hatched against. She was almost there, the place where her instincts called home.

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