Ignoring Stephen's protests, I grab some snow and sling it to the other team.

The poorly made snowball hits Jay in the abdomen, and I hoot.

Dodging flying snow and swinging snowballs, I lost track of time. Stephen joined me again at one point. The score was forgotten.

Over time, Stephen's lips turned blue and cold, and mine were probably not better off. My fingers and toes were cold and numb, but we kept going at it.

At one point, it even started lightly snowing down on us, and I almost forgot about the future apocalypse.

Until the other team announced defeat, we wouldn't stop.

I didn't know how long we were outside for, but when Jay and Dan gave up, even the stinging cold pain was worth it.

Stephen and I whooped in happiness, high fiving and laughing.

"Eat it, losers!" Stephen cackled, kicking snow at Jay. Jay kicked snow back.

"I can't feel my hands," Dan complained, jogging to the house. "Let's go inside."

"I need warmth," I agreed, running after the lettuce-head.

"Can we have hot chocolate?" Stephen questions as we opened the back door. The warmth of inside leaked in, seeping into my bones and leeching on.

"Yes, hot chocolate!" Jay perks up, kicking off his boots and running inside. "Can we have hot chocolate?"

"No one's making it for you," Dan shrugs. "So if you want some, you can make it yourselves."

"I mean, I can do it," I offer, taking my shoes off.

Jay and Stephen instantly turn towards me with glowing looks, but Dan shakes his head.

"No, Hosuh, you will not let them walk all over you. These two," Dan juts his chin at them, "can make their own hot chocolate."

"It's fine," I respond, internally sweating in anxiousness. "I also want hot chocolate anyways."

"Yes, thank you Hosuh!" Jay latches on to me in happiness.

"And make me one too!" Stephen jumps lightly.

I smile at the two's excitement for hot chocolate.

"First I'll have to change out of these, though," I say, gesturing to my cold, wet clothes. "Then I can make the drinks."

"Then go!" Stephen exclaims, lightly pushing me to the direction of the stairs. "What are you waiting for?"

I chuckle as I make my way to Stephen's room; those two really like their hot chocolate.

Gently dropping a few mini marshmallows in the 4 mugs, I pop one of them in my mouth.

"Guys!" I shout from the kitchen, admiring my work. "Hot chocolate's ready!"

Jay and Stephen tackle each other to the kitchen, followed by a happy Dan. Everyone's wearing pajamas by now.

"It could be hot, so watch out," I mention, watching as Jay and Stephen snatch their mugs of hot chocolate.

"Wanna watch a movie or something afterwards?" Dan suggests, picking up his own cup.

"Sure," I answer, sipping some of my hot chocolate. "As long as it's not scary."

"Aw, c'mon," Stephen pouts. "Scary movies are the best!"

"They're literally the only movies that aren't boring," Jay adds through sips of hot chocolate.

"Nope, no horror movies," I shake my head. "No."

"Can you even remember the last time you watched a scary movie?" Dan asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I can!" I huff. "I was 12, and -"

"Twelve?" Stephen cackles. "You were 12?!"

"Shut up!" I threaten, my ears turning pink. "Anyways, I was watching Goosebumps, -"

"Goosebumps?!" Jay starts cackling along too, and I flush red.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm- I'm sorry, just, -" Stephen wipes a fake tear out of his eye. "Goosebumps? Seriously?"

"If we'll watch a horror movie, will that get you two to stop laughing?" I snap.

They nod vigorously.

I falter for a second, mentally gulping. I didn't expect them to actually... Agree.


"Can we just watch a horror movie?" Jay pleads. "Please? Just this once?"

They all seemed to want to watch a scary movie. I was literally the only reason they couldn't watch horror, and I felt bad because of that, not gonna lie.

"Fine, then, we'll watch a horror movie," I sigh, my hands already starting to get clammy.

"Yes!" Stephen exclaims, almost spilling his hot chocolate. "Finally!"

"Any... Suggestions?" I question nervously. "I don't know a lot of horror movies, so..."

"I wanna watch The Purge," Dan shrugged.

"Us?" Jay suggested.

"How about Bird Box?" Stephen asked.

"Bird Box sounds good," Jay stated causally. 

"Eh, sure," Dan agrees.

I was going to die. I was going to die for sure.

There's no way I could last through a whole horror movie. The name Bird Box sounded terrifying enough.

But it couldn't be that bad?


Maybe I could pull through?

"Alright," I took a sip of my hot chocolate, almost dropping my mug from anxiety. "Let's go watch a horror movie, then."

"It's not that bad Hosuh," Stephen assured me, patting my shoulder. "Don't worry."

"Yeah..." I chuckled, still on edge.

That comment did not help whatsoever.

I wasn't sure anything would help.

"Alright, let's get some popcorn, start up the TV, and watch something spooky!" Dan clapped. "Tonight's gonna be fun!"

so like,,

i've never watched birdbox? and i need to know a few important scenes from the movie, for the next chapter?


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