I forgot to mention, pent up rage and its explosions also gives me the great attitude to not give a damn about anything anymore.

"This chick's always a piece of work, huh." I heard one of the detainee snicker.

"You have no idea what we go through with this one. She's got bigger balls than you." His guard teased, shaking his head at me incredulously. I turned my head to face them.

I may be in a state of not giving a damn about what anyone thinks of me now, but I'm also in a state of being messy. So what did I do? Ladies and gentlemen, I decided to let that itching rage turn into words and snake out of my throat and burn these pricks.

"Darlings, I got bigger balls than any dude in this precinct." And they knew exactly what I meant. 

They may keep catching me, but my father's power kept me slipping out of their grips all the goddamn time. All my records were exonerated from their archives. No law applied to a Forteza. Or to anyone who had the cash. That's how fraudulent and corrupt the justice system in this country is. And that disgusts me in full range.

"You guys renovated your cells? I had a really decent sleep for the first time this month. Ah-mazing! I rate it a 5 star." I thought by this time they were already used to my never ceasing sarcasm.

"Although, the bed turned out to be a little bit bigger, especially now that I surprisingly didn't have a roommate. But, still. Best one-hour nap of my life."

I usually get thrown in lockup with a bunch of drunk fellow minors I became friends with overnight. Surprisingly, none of my accomplices got a slap on the wrists with me this time.

"Miss Forteza," a familiar gruff voice approached from behind me. "To my desk, now, where I can remind you again that a jail is not somewhere you can just crash in like a motel whenever you feel like it."

I clicked my tongue and saluted him mockingly. "Lead the way, sir chief."

The chief led me to his good old desk where my bailor was waiting.

And the sight of her made me cuss hard under my breath.



Shitting. Me.

I took a deep breath before approaching her.

Of all the people in the world.

My heart was beating hard and fast inside my chest that I can feel the pounding in my head too. Not because I was nervous or excited to see her, but because I am not ready to see her yet. Rage. She's another one of my rage contributor.

I composed myself and flashed my best fake smile.

"Koko!" I greeted her, "My favorite Aunt in the world! How come I was never informed you've already left Germany." I tried my best to act as genuinely surprised as I could and suppress the annoyance I was feeling towards my cousin. Swallow it down. Keep the calm.

"We'll discuss about this later." I mouthed at the sorry-faced Olivia who was seated impatiently on a bench. Her face immediately curved a guilty smile.

"Well, I'm your only aunt so of course I'm your favorite. You don't really have a choice."

Koko took a good look at me before engulfing me in a hug. "Come here, you."

It's been three years since our last hug. It's been three years since I last saw her.

"I miss you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you get away with this. This is not exactly the reunion I imagined us having." I missed her. But I didn't want her here. I still haven't fully forgiven her from what she did.

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