Biology jokes

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Q: What did the male stamen say to the female pistil?
A: I like your "style."

Q: What do you call the leader of a biology gang?
A: The nucleus

Q: What does DNA stand for?
A: National Dyslexics Association

Q: Where do you bury dead people?
A: Asymmetry

Q: Where do hippos go to university? A: Hippocampus

Q: How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Four. One to change it and three to write the environmental-impact statement.

Why do noses run but feet smell?

Q: What do you call the worm that ate Mozart?
A: A decomposer!

In neurobiology lecture today, the professor mentioned that much of the
data we were seeing was culled from studies of leeches. He said, "Now, a
lot of you may think leeches are nasty creatures. The people working with
these creatures are quite fond of them, however. It is also reported that
the leeches often become attached to the researchers."

white blood cell:
white blood cell:
bacteria:i came out here to have a good time and honestly i am feeling so attacked right now

Q: Why do corals watch the news.
A: Current events

Q: What room has no floors, no ceiling, and no walls?
A: A mushroom

A mushroom asked a carrot out on a date. She said no, but the mushroom replied "come on, I'm a fun-gi"

Hmm maybe I should branch out... I wooden have expected it to be this hard, but I'm stumped...

Q: How many tickles does it take to tickle a squid?
A: ten-tickles

fight-or-flight response more like "adrenaline or adrenalout"

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