My Boss Is A What Now ? ?

Start from the beginning

"Here, let me look," he said finally, stepping toward me but i stepped back quickly.

"Hell no, you're a stranger that just came out of nowhere!"

"Fine then, hello i'm the Doctor. And you're Scottish, a Scottie in Cardiff. There, we're not strangers anymore so let me look," he said as if that were any help.

"Yeah well i – wait," i paused, realising what he had just said, but there was no way, he couldn't be, "What did you just say?"

"We're not strangers anymore," Big ears said, confused.

"No before that."

"I'm the Doctor and you're a Scottie?" he asked, now frowning. He glanced at the blonde and the other guy who seemed just as confused as he did.

"THE Doctor, not Doctor?" i clarified, getting a little worried.

"Yes, that's right, the Doctor," said man grinned.

I looked at the box, which now registered in my mind as a blue Police box, one very familiar police box from my child hood. Then moved my eyes back to him but it wasn't HIM, there was no floppy brown hair, no gold energy, no green eyes. But the police box, i thought, glancing back at it. No, this couldn't be happening, there was no such the Doctor, or the Tardis. I was dreaming, right?

"No," i murmured, getting their attention again, "Yes, no wait, no, yes." I pulled my hand away to check for blood, glad my nose had stopped bleeding and then went back to my thoughts.

The three of them all shared a confused look, but i was paying little attention to them. After all, they couldn't be real, i was on a new dosage of medication. It was a fair bit stronger thanks to my dreams that screamed 'i'm crazy drug me up'. I looked back at the three of them again, then shook my head.

"Yeah, maybe i'm just hallucinating. Yeah i walked into a pole and now i'm just imagining this, yup sounds good to me." I leaned down, grabbed my bag and started to walk away, still talking to myself to make sure i believed it, "Hallucinations, totally, there's no Doctor, no Tardis, no space or time travel, no aliens, just a hallucination."

"How'd you know about the Tardis?"

I yelped and turned to face the blonde girl, only to yelp again as i realised all three of them were right behind me.

"Goddammit, you nearly broke my nose and now you're trying to give me a heart attack? What kind of people are you?!"

"No but seriously," the blonde said in a kind of Cockney accent, placing a hand on the my shoulder. I cringed at the contact, but calmed down knowing she was only trying to help, "You sounded like you knew the Doctor, and about his Tardis."

"I do know the Doctor, kinda," I shrugged, then pointed at Big Ears, "But that's not him."

"Yes i am," Big Ears huffed.

"No you're not," i huffed right back, "The Doctor is imaginary, i was a child, i was seven and i was seeing things, he wasn't real. And even if you were him, he has this floppy brown all over the place hair and he loves dumb bow ties, tells you five minutes and then never comes back, and thinks baked beans are evil."

"You're right, that's not me," Big Ears nodded, "At least not yet."

"Not yet?" i asked, then shook my head, no this wasn't the Doctor. Didn't look like him or speak like him. Wait, i thought, the Doctor i knew had just gone through regeneration so . . . no it was all a delusion. It had to be, because i probably couldn't take it if he was real. Glancing at the Doctor i frowned, it was worth a shot.

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