
L:Hiiii its Lizzie

J:omggg hiiii *its Lizzie * (he whispers to Avani)

A:Omg Lizzie how are u feelin



L:Well how'd it go? are u all safe

I whisper to Kio 'should I tell him' and he nods.

L:Well I passed out obvs but Zach fed on Hannah and then Kio fed on me , but I let him tho cos we had no other choice.

J:Wait whose Hannah again

L:Hannah , Masons gf

J:Is she a wolf

L:Yea why

J:There could be some complications with Zach now.


J:He might become dangerous for a couple of days...

L:noted, listen we've gtg ill see you soon ly bye


I was scared now.I know Zach would never intentionally hurt me, but if hes out of control then id need help.I was shaking.I felt Kio put his arm around me.

K:Youll be fine ,Zach wont hurt you

Z:I hate to say this , but you don't know that Kio.

Z:But Lizz , I would never hurt you on purpose and if I do I am truly sorry and I will try my best not to

K:Cheer up Liz (he said poking my chin) or ill bite your head off.

K:KIDDING (we both laugh)


I walked into the house to be greeted by Avani and Jaden with huge hugs and smiles.I feel abit tired so I tell them that I'm going to head upstairs for a nap.

Z:Actually me too

Me and Zach walk up the stairs and I smile:)

L:Bye Zach

Z:Bye Liz

I head into my room when I hear a smash from the next room(Zachs room) So I go to find out what it was.I knock on the door


Z:Go away

I open the door and I see Zach with veins all down his face and he is smashing everything in his path.

Z:Don't come any closer

L:Zach its okay , its me

Z:Ik its you, that's why I'm telling you to go away.

I step closer to Zach and the next second I'm pinned against the bed.

Z:I'm sorry Lizzie ,I cant hold it in any longer

L:ZACH NO(I scream)

He digs his fangs into my neck and I scream out.I hear people running upstairs and someone, I think Kio and maybe Jaden , dragged Zach off me .I could hear him crying as they took him into the other room.It wasn't his fault.I looked into the mirrir with Avani and Josh.I has bite marks on the side of my neck but I wasn't bleeding thank god.


L:I'm fine , I shouldn't have came near him when he told me to go away, its my fault don't be mad at him.

A:We're not mad at any of you babes

Jo:Yea he couldn't help it , and you were being a nice friend.

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