Start from the beginning

"Oh Charlie Boy! I was wondering if you would be here! How are you cousin?" My brother called out, clearly faking happiness to see him.

"I think it's best if you left," I said, finally finding my voice.

Everyone in our small circle paused, seemingly shocked that I had actually spoken to my brother. Jamie maintained his hold on me, while both William and Charlie stepped ever so slightly closer to me. Steven however, remained where he was, looking ever so entertained at the whole scenario.

"Well, hello to you too, little sister, I thought you of all people would be pleased to see me."

I scoffed, "I think we both know that's a lie. Now if you don't mind, you are interrupting my party, nobody wants you here."

He snorted, without humour, "We both know that father wants me here more than you does you, little miss look alike. When was the last time he actually spoke to you civilly? Ever?"

William couldn't take it anymore, "That's it, get the fucking hell out of here before I throw you out myself!"

My brother held up his hands in mock defence, "Oh, don't worry my Prince, I'm going. But don't forget, our father's are very close friends, and I don't plan on going away again anytime soon. So, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, I think."

And with that, he gave a mock wave and bow, before slinking away.


"How bloody dare he?!" William roared pacing up and down the corridor, "How dare he come into my home, and disrespect me, and my fiance, and my friends!"

We, Jamie, William and I, had migrated into a private corridor, that led from the ballroom to a smaller parlour, that was restricted access to the rest of the guests. William, who had been pacing up and down the corridor for the last ten minutes, was tense and angry, cursing my brother incessantly. Jamie and I however, had slumped onto the chez long that had been pushed up to one of the walls along the corridor.

I dropped my head onto Jamie's shoulder, frustrated at the whole situation. Jamie was slumped back against the wall, with one of his arms loosely wrapped around me, to hold me up right having no energy to do so myself.

"He just waltzed in here as if he owned the whole bloody palace!" William ranted, pacing past us once again, "Does he have no respect for my father, or my family?!"

Charlie decided to remain in the ballroom, and try to carry on the celebrations without my family or William's parents finding out what had happened while they were talking with some of their friends. It was by some miracle that they hadn't noticed what was going on just across the room from them, involving members of their families. If they had seen it, it would have been very difficult to explain.

"And how dare he insinuate that my fiance and my best friend were more than just friends! And that they would just stand there and let it continue, how bloody well dare he, he has no fucking right!"

Suddenly feeling myself tired and fed up with the whole predicament, I jumped to my feet, letting Jamie's arm fall to the side. I stopped William, who was just about to pass us once again, and placed my hands on his broad shoulders.

"Hey, it's alright, just calm it down," I called to him softly, "It's over now, done."

"He disrespected us all, Lilliana, don't you see?!" He snarled, "Right in front of our faces!"

"I know..." I replied softly, "But that's just how Steven is. Don't let it get to you, it's exactly the reaction he wants."

"How can I not let it get to me?!" He roared, "He has not respect for any-!"

"William!" I shouted, stopping his rant mid-sentence. "Please, just stop."

He frowned, "You are defending him?"

I laughed bitterly, "Really?! After everything I said earlier, and my reaction to what he was saying to you guys earlier, you really think I would defend him?!"

His expression softened slightly, "Then why would you want me to stop?"

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, "Because I'm tired William! I don't want to spend my whole evening talking about him, or worrying about him! We're better than he is, and we shouldn't let him get to us... Please..."

Jamie, for the first time in a while, got to his feet and spoke, "She's right, Will, just ignore it. Yes, the guy is an ass and I hate him more than anyone, but you can't let him ruin anything for any of us. Go out there and enjoy the party, it is for you, after all mate."

William huffed, running another hand through his hair, "Fine, but if he says one more thing..."

"He won't," I called softly. "If he does, ignore him and pretend like he isn't even there. If Steven hates anything more than Jamie and I, it's being ignored."

And for the first time in what felt like forever, we all laughed together.


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