~ Internships ~ ch.13

Start from the beginning

"Oh, your the person who's here for the internship! Right! Here." She got up and hit a wall. I dropped down a hole that came from under me. I made a force field and landed on a chair. "Hello!?" I heard lights turn on and the place lit up. I saw the place look very modern and had people in suits working everywhere. A chair in front of me that was backwards, turned around and showed a lady with a hero costume on.

"Y/N!" She said happily. "Uh.. hi?" I said. She got up and gave me a big hug. "Of course you dont remember me, but I'm a great friend of your mom! I remember you from when you were still a baby!" She let go of the hug. "I heard you were here for internships and of course I would love to accept you! Hows your mom? I haven't spoke to her in a while!" I felt my feelings slowly turn into sadness.

"My mom and dad... um... past away..." I held back my tears. "You mean... oh... I- i didn't know... I'm sorry sweetie... that's a lot to take in for me too.." she said with tears at the edge of her eyes. "It's alright... I've handled it better than i thought... they were murdered by the hero killer, stain." I said. I heard crying and I lifted up my head and saw her with tears falling from her eyes.

"I-im sorry... its just... I wish I knew sooner..." she cried. I got up and hugged her. "Hey, it's ok! My mom was a amazing person, I'm sure she wouldn't want us crying right now. My parents always said, crying would never get you anywhere besides a smile along with it!" I smiled at her. She looked at me and smiled back. "You know... you look just like her."

I felt my heart melt. No one ever said that to me. "T-thank you..." I said sitting back down on the chair. She wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "So, what made you choose my agency? I've heard about how your class encountered with some villains." She said folding her hands on her desk. "Yeah, those villains really were something, I actually came to you agency because I wasn't part of the sports festival due to me in a coma, and no one really saw me so pro heroes wouldn't really be able to offer me anything. I decided I should probably see what my mom did as a pro hero and when I found out she had a partner I asked if I could come for the internships." I said.

"Oh, that makes more sense! I loved working with your mom back then, but after she retired I decided to start my own agency and have sidekicks. So, what's your quirk sweetie?" She asked. "My quirk is sorcery, it's just like my mother's. I also have my father's quirk which is switching quirks." She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head slowly.

"So I'm guessing... you have the spell book by now?" I looked up at her in shock. "Y-you know about it?" She nodded. "Yup, I was the one who helped your mother create one." She smiled at me. "Then... you understand how it works, and how I can make some spells of my own!" I said. "Mhm. You don't happen to have it on you?" I picked up my bag and pulled out the spell book.

"Can you see it?" I asked. "Of course, I helped your mother create it, I could I not?" I sighed in relief. "Then you know about how only my soulmate can see this too, right?" I said. "Mhm. Wait, dont tell me you already found out who it was!?" I nodded nervously. "That's amazing! Your mom didn't find out till she was 19! Look at you, already found your soulmate at 15!" She cheered. "It's not so great if you ask me.." I said. "What do you mean?"

"The boy who is my soulmate, hates everybody. He already saw the spellbook but doesn't know he's my soulmate. I mean, I didn't even know soulmates were a thing!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, you can thank your mother for that, she created a spell to help her find the love of her life. So she made the soulmate spell. Only her soulmate can see the spell book and other things she creates that are hidden form the world." She said.

"So... how do I explain it to him? He'll think I'm crazy!" I said. "You'll just have to explain it to him. That's how it works or you just let everything happen on it's own, because either way, you'll end up together." I felt my face burn up. 'Me, WITH KATSUKI! I never thought that could happen! Ugh! It's so weird! That means I'll have kids with- EW UGH! MOM WHY WOULD YOU MAKE SUCH A SPELL!'

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now