Asami watched the tears in my eyes flow but she understood.

It wasn't guilt, it wasn't regret... it was forgiveness.

I was finally doing what I should have done a longtime ago.

Asami held my hand and rubbed my hair in comfort as I broke down with relief in every drop.

Even if my joy wasn't complete, I was happy because I felt that what I was doing would finally set him free, would make Yuki happy.

Asami also forgave me and it was the first time in a longtime, I ever saw her cry.

I was surprised that the days I had Takato with me, he and Asami were getting close to each other.

Asami said that he was a good practice to understanding kids though I said it was impossible because even scientists couldn't understand kids just predict possible actions for age.

Everyday, Takato would call his mom and whatever they discussed, brought an excited outburst from him.

I knew the weight of traveling to another country was saddening him because he had people he didn't want to leave but after telling himself some things they have that we don't, he was overwhelmed and buzzing with curiosity.

I was only entitled to him for ten days and today was the final day since he and Yuki had to get their papers ready before departure.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Takato since Asami decided to stay behind because of her pregnancy.

"Eat pizza, play games, visit Kairi and grandma and take them to eat with us. I miss him." Takato said as he stared outside the window like it was paradise.

"Then that's what we'll do." I said before we drove to a fast-food and ordered the pizza Takato wanted.

He told me about how Yuki loved pizza but stopped it because he was complaining that he was getting fat.

Yuki and Takato really had a lot of similarities from the excited talk to the sad face then back to the happy face and I thought he got all my bad habits.

"Papa why are you smiling?" He asked, pausing his soda with a soft burp that made his cheeks flush. Yes, just like Yuki.

"It's nothing important." I said before he made me open my mouth to feed me a bread stick.

We both smiled at each other before continuing the meal till we were done.

We did many things that Takato wanted and the last thing left was having dinner at his friend's house.

I was surprised that he was able to carry the omega who jumped on him before he started talking so fast I couldn't understand.

"My dad is here." He said to Takato who smiled and ran after him.

"You must be Takato's father. Hi, I'm Nowaki Asirigen." The alpha stretched his hands towards me with a smile.

"Haru Aizawa."

"Please come in." He said before I took off my shoes and entered the house.

"I expected to see your mother." I said before he nodded and sighed.

"She's not feeling well so she's in the hospital. I'm done with what I have to do so I'll be in town from now on." He said before we took a sit and I dropped what we ordered.

"Well we brought food, I'm sure everyone is hungry." I said before I heard Takato shout in excitement before he held Kairi's hand and lead him to the dining table.

Kairi's father, Nowaki was a really friendly guy. Apparently he is a popular author who took a break because of a drug addiction.

He lost his wife when his son was three to a hereditary disease that luckily Kairi doesn't have since it ended with her.

Just like Kairi, he had dirty blonde hair and honey brown eyes but he was tanner that his son that was almost as white as Yuki.

He was slightly taller, scarier muscular and hairier than me but he was extremely soft mannered from my observation and clumsy.

It was sad when he told me his wife went through three miscarriage and a forced abortion because of her health but by miracle, they had Kairi.

That's why his very overprotective towards Kairi especially when he heard he met a friend till he actually met Yuki and Takato.

I was surprised he didn't bothering hearing my story but I believed his mother must have told him so he talked with understanding.

We were still talking when we heard a loud noise like objects falling down.

"What's going on here?" Nowaki asked as we entered Kairi's room.

We saw a shattered decoration on the floor while Takato was comforting the little omega by patting his back.

"Leaving... Takato's leaving." Kairi explained as he continued to wail before Takato waved his hands, scared on how to comfort the omega.

"I'll always come visiting, every Christmas and new year. We can also call each other and when we're big, I'll come and marry Kai-chan and we'll live in one big, big house like papa. Like you said..." He paused as Kairi cleaned his eyes and looked at Takato.

"The bigger the better." Kairi responded shaky before Takato smiled and Takato cleaned his eyes before pecking his cheeks.

I watched as how Nowaki grabbed Kairi and started kissing his son's face earning a lot of laughter from the tiny kid in his hands. Takato walked up to me before joining me to snicker at their moment.

"I'm not letting you grow up fast on me. You're getting married when you're thirty." He said before Kairi pouted. "Okay, when you feel you're ready."

"I'll come for Takato early in the morning." I said, waving at Nowaki before I fist bumped Takato and then left him for his sleepover.

I arrived home to see Asami reading something but the moment I hugged her from behind.

She pushed me away and hid whatever paper she was reading under a book.

"Welcome home sweety. How was your day?" She asked before hugging me and pecking me on the cheeks.

I was suspicious of her actions but I was then distracted when she held her stomach and said she wasn't feeling good.

I helped her up to her room and laid on her bed before trying to leave.

"Just stay here with me." She said as she dropped pillows in between us and tapped the other side.

I took off my shirt, belt and shoes before laying on the bed.

She faced me before she held my hands and smiled.

"Did you have a nice day?" She asked, closing her eyes sleepily.

"It was fun, I'm so exhausted. Let's not have an overly excited kid." I said before she chuckled and nodded.

"Okay." She said before we both slept off.

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