"wait no no no ok fine just stay"said seonghwa admitting that he was scared.

"exactly now i am gonna go get some stuff from my house so i will be back in half an hour"said soojin with a smile on her face knowing they won't even last 2 seconds.

"ok"they both said nervously grabbing 2 pillows each to protect themselves.

soojin decided to play a prank on them so she said she was going to get some things from her house.

it was getting dark outside so soojin was not worried about them seeing her.

soojin sneaked next to the window and tapped on it and ran behind the wall.

"YAH JUNGKOOK stop playing with me"screamed seonghwa jumping on the couch with his pillow to protect him.

"what....."said jungkook confused.

soojin snuck back to the window and banged on it louder and ran back.

"AGGGGH NOOOOOOOOOO SHIT SEONGHWA IM SCARED"screamed jungkook hiding behind seonghwa with his pillow.

"jungkook we are men lets fight them you look this way and i will look that way"said seonghwa standing on the floor .

they both stood there with there pillow's ready to smack the crap out of what ever it was.

"COME OUT I DARE YOU I WILL DEMOLISH YOU"shouted jungkook hyping himself up.

soojin tried to keep in the laughter and snuck inside and switched the power off.

seonghwa screamed and jumped back on the sofa and jungkook grabbed seonghwa's 

shoulder jumping up in the air screaming and when seonghwa ditched him jungkook sat down 

and began to cry his eyes out thinking he was going to die.

soojin seeing this felt really bad and switched the power back on running into the room with a black cloth on her face.

seonghwa screamed falling backwards onto the sofa whilst jungkook was having a breakdown

 pulling himself back as soojin walked towards him purposely walking weirdly with the black cloth on her face.

jungkook screamed and trembled in fear becoming pale with tears rushing down his cheeks.

"no stay back............b..bb...b.back of"he screamed  holding the chair in front of him to protect himself.

soojin decided to stop because she felt like she was taking it to far and felt guilty.

"jungkook,seonghwa  it's a prank"she shouted with a smile in shock of jungkook's reaction not expecting him to breakdown like that.

"SOOJIN!THAT IS PRETTY GOOD YOU COW"said seonghwa laughing and then he noticed jungkook in tears.

"jungkook i am so sorry...stop crying...oh my got i didn't mean to make you get upset"she said hugging him tightly.

after jungkook cooled down after being traumatised he explained to soojin and seonghwa why he broke down like that

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after jungkook cooled down after being traumatised he explained to soojin and seonghwa why he broke down like that.

"when i was a child:

"mummy i am hungry.....hungry"said jungkook as his mum picked him up sitting him down in the corner of the room.

"mummy why....."said jungkook giving her an innocent smile.

"just stay quite ok and stay here ...i love you"his mum said giving him a kiss on his head with tear's in her eyes.

she grabbed a knife from the kitchen facing the door way protecting herself from someone or something .

then the power went out and i heard her screaming  in agony and someone running back out of the house running away.

then the power went back on and that's when jungkook saw his mother dead on the floor .

her neck had been slit open ,she had been murdered by someone.

jungkook screamed and ran to his mum traumatized of what he just witnessed.

"eomeoni nooooo"screamed jungkook in fear.

and that's why i was so scared when you switched of the power"said jungkook with tear's 

flowing down his cheeks remembering his mother dead on the floor.

"i am so sorry i did not know "said seonghwa putting his arms around jungkook to comfort him.

soojin was lost for words with tear's flowing down her cheeks knowing how it feel's to loose your parents.

"soojin....i...you don't need to feel sorry......you did not know"said jungkook looking at soojin trying to be strong for her.

soojin burst out in tears and hugged him tightly shocking jungkook.

"i.....i am so sorry......i know......i know how it feels jungkook......i know...you don't need to bottle it up...you don't anymore"said soojin hugging him tightly.

jungkook bursted out into tear's knowing he wasn't alone.

(i hope you enjoyed this chapter you kind off got another backstory of jungkook )

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