Q & A + Anniversary Special

Start from the beginning

Colie shrugged, “Depends on your interpretation of how they last interacted with each other in the book. I'm giving this couple an open–ending.”

Q6. What happened to Bamina?

Bambam suddenly comes running into the studio as he held onto his bet above his shoulder, he excitedly turns to the camera, smiling widely.

“We're getting married!” Bambam happily announced as he went backstage.

Chaeyoung and Colie looks at each other, then at the camera. “What he said,” Colie shrugged.

Q7. Do Sydney and Mingyu end up together?

“I'm definitely giving them an open ending as well. Whatever you think,” Colie winks.

Q8. Will there be a sequel for Jirosé?

Chaeyoung glances at Colie, lifting her eyebrows to await for her answer.

Colie apologetically glances at the camera, scratching her nape. “No . . .”

Q9. Since when did you ship Lizkook?

“I started taking an interest in 2017, then I fully dived into shipping ever since 2018. To be honest, I first started to ship Jirosé before Liskook, I shipped Jirosé back in 2017,” Colie admits, making Chaeyoung grin.

Q9. Where's Momo? Is she okay?

“Yes, doing very fine,” Chaeyoung answers for Colie.

Q10. Is there a Jirosé spin–off?

Chaeyoung attentively darts her eyes towards Colie once more. Colie nervously pulls her collar. “No,” she answer straightforwardly. “But expect to see some extra Jirosé moments in my Taennie spin–off!”

Q11. Will you continue DKWTD (Don't Know What To Do)?

Colie enthusiastically nods. “Yes, I'll start updating there tomorrow or in two days.”

Q12. Would Jungchan have a love story of his own?

Colie smiles at the question. “I mean, I plan to. Anyone in for a smart ass Jungchan?”

Q13. Do you make the plot beforehand or write it randomly?

“From the first chapter to the hundredth chapter, I wrote it all on–the–spot, whenever I got inspiration. However, when I though about ending the book once and for all since I was afraid to over extend it, I began wiriting down what was going to happen in the next chapters.”

Q14. Do you have references for the plot or sources of inspiration?

“Liskook moments.”

Q15. What do you feel after finishing the entire book?

“Relieved,” Colie giggles. “I was really afraid that it'd be too long, and that it would get boring. So I'm genuinely happy that it ended, already. Also, I can focus on my other books now!”

Q16. What was your expectation when you first wrote this book. Now that you've finished it, is it what you expected it to be?

“No, definitely not. Like, I expected this book to have FORTY chapters. Whoops. In terms of the form of writing and all, it's not what I expected it to be. Coming back to the first chapter, it feels nice to see the improvement I had for almost a year. All thanks to all of you, of course! Thank you!”

Q17. How is Namjoon?

“Happy with Wendy and their daughter and son, yes, they have two children now. Nami and Peter.”

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