Ray: Aye.

Ivan: I parsley believe that.

Ray: Well, she did.

Ivan: Did she jalapeño business?

Ray: Yea-....don't start Ivan. I swear to god.

Ivan: Getting salty, brother?

I can see that smug look of his face

Ray: Ivan, stop.

Ivan: I clove you, brother, undill the end of thyme.

Ray: Ivan!

Ivan: Let's spice it up a bit, shall we?

I'm desperately holding back my laughter

Ray: Alright! I'll go down!

Ivan: It's about thyme!

I start to break down laughing. Ivan proceeds to carry me to the yard. Half way there, he puts me down. We head to the back where there's a bunch of tables set up, the bowls and tupperwares that hold the food have been emptied, except for the one Ivan gave to me. Everyone was already eating, actually they're eating so fast, I might only have one time for a quick check-in. There'll be time for more in-depth talks later. So far, it's just me and Ivan standing around, he gestures me to go sit with Chuck and Brian, who sits at the yard gazebo. Yes, we own a gazebo. Michael, Nathan, Benji, and Reilly sit together at the makeshift campfire with two logs on either side. The two I.F soldiers are obviously with eachother, Lopez took off his balaclava, turns out he was part hispanic. Which would explain his "Lopez". Toucan is with Mass. Carol is alone, for some reason. Pepper and Maurice are sitting on two stumps, with another stump in the middle. Making it a makeshift dining table, for two. John is with his mom. The Zcom officers are with eachother, while the specialists are dining like jocks, laughing while eating. Philip almost choked on his food. York and Svetlana are together. The prison guards are together, except for the female guard, who's with her aunt, I presume. Bill sits next to them, the female prison guard keeps glancing at the one with the stun stick, her aunt is snickering to herself. Lester is with Austin, they're getting along. Piper is with the two mechanics. And the pizza boy is alone, I feel somewhat bad. Obviously, I sit with my relatives.

Brian: Hey! It's the guy who made this all possible! Come here!

Ray: Aww, shucks, guys, it was our idea.

Chuck: Well, all of us owe you guys a thanks! We were struggling back in nightfall!

Ivan: I'm just glad I get to see my cousins again! With you, with us, the zombies and bandits won't know what hit them!

Ray: Have you guys met Lucio?

Brian: We haven't, the chaos was too strong. Let's hope he's still alive.

Ivan: Eh! He is toughest son of bitch I've been friends with! Have you seen how destructive he is?

Chuck: I wouldn't be surprised if he'll work with bandits, if I'm honest. Actually, I think he would just destroy those bandits if he gets bored!

Ray: Maybe later, we can send a team to go back to nightfall, retrieve survivors and such. Food and supplies are great, we don't need to scavenge for now. What we need is more people, strength in numbers.

Brian: And numbers costs more numbers, or supplies. I'm not complaining to your plan, however. More survivors increase our survival, but we need to...stop at some point.

Chuck: Agreed, we need to reach a certain quota and stop.

Ray: Yeah, I'm with you guys there. But we still have time, conserving food is an essential, but we have many! And they will spoil!

Dead Ahead: SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now