Chapter 420

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Levi sighed discontentedly as he observed the titan shifters- Annie, Eren, Reiner and Bertholdt. Oh, how he longed to be amongst their kind. He knew it could never happen, but often found himself daydreaming about what it would be like if he was a titan shifter.

Hanji, who noticed Levi's glumness, was worried for her dear friend.

"What's up Levi???" She greeted him.

"Oh nothing," he mumbled, obviously lieing.

"Aww, you can tell me anything! We're friends, remember?!" Hanji patted her male friends back.

Levi looked at his hands, clearly embarrassed. He debated whether to share his dilemma or not. Eventually, he decided it couldn't do any harm.

"I wanna be a titan shifter!" He whined, loud enough for those around him to hear.

Hanji got a twinkly glint in her eye. She giggled quietly before dragging Levi from his spot at the table at which he sat.


Hanji pushed Levi into a stool in her lab. He slumped over the counter, elbows supporting his body weight.

"So you wanna be a titan shifter, eh?" Hanji prompted him.

He sighed and nodded, true to his word but regretting having shared.

"I've got just the thing!" She squealed and began to search the catacomb of test tubes.

After some time, Hanji returned with a small, transparent vile of equally transparent fluid. She set it on the counter at which Levi sat, and pulled latex gloves onto her hands. Then, she began precisely measuring the contents of the vile with other fluids at the table.

Finally, Hanji shouted in success. Levi, who had began to dose off, jumped. She had finished her potion. Now, all that remained was to have Levi in jest the mixture, and the process would be complete!

Levi eagerly chugged the foul liquid. Immediately, he regretted his decision. He felt an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach, and his face felt scratchy. He wrinkled his nose in discomfort.

"Okay, time to test it out!" Hanji said.

The two followed a long corridor until they exited the building and walked into bright sunlight. Right away, Hanji pushed Levi to the right, where he fell down a convenient ten foot drop off.

To his utter surprise, he landed squarely on his feet, completely balanced. Something did feel off, though. After a moment, he heard Hanji's distinct guffaw from where he was pushed.

"What!?" Levi hissed.

Wait... hissed?

"You're a cat!!" Hanji screamed with laughter.

Levi instinctively looked at his own body, to see that Hanji was right, he was a kitty shifter. Part of him was thrilled, another part creeped out, but over all, he was thoroughly perplexed.

To be continued...

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