
I chuckled as i remembered that she tackled me when we first met. She looked so pretty when she slept it was amazing. And I was so happy she was mine. Which reminded me.....I remembered how Niall blushed during truth or dare when the truth for me was asked. He had blushed like crazy.

This had me a little worried as I remembered that Sam had gotten up last night and went onto the balcony where Niall had been. What were they both doing there?

I looked back down at her and sighed.....should I ask her?

I better not...she would think I am questioning her and suspect something and think I was a bit too protective. I decided to let it go because we just started dating andi didn't want things to go too fast.

And end so even made me sad to think how my life would be like without her. I just knew somehow that she was good and so that is why I had to ask her out last night. Well, also because we would be flying back to London today.

" Liam?" I heard Sam ask and immediately snapped out of my thoughts.

" What's wrong?" she asked.

" I just wanted to see your beautiful eyes.....but you had them closed." I quickly said.

" Aww......your such a tease." she said.

Your P.O.V.

Liam kissed your forehead and you smiled while sitting up and then you saw the others were in the kitchen. So, you got up and held out your hand for Liam to take.

He grabbed it lovingly and walked into the kitchen with you.As you sat down at the table you couldn't help but notice Niall kept staring down at his hand and hadn't looked at you once.

" Morning everyone." you said cheerfully.

" Morning Sam!" everyone replied. Except Niall who continued to sit there and not look up.

Did he not like that you kissed him back last night?

You frowned and put your hands in your lap. When suddenly you saw Liam grab one of your hands and stroke it gently with his thumb.

" Something wrong?" he asked.

You quickly looked up and smiled, while shaking your head and he smiled back at you in relief.

But you couldn't help but look at Niall....something was definitely wrong and the others could tell because Harry asked him," Niall....are you ok, cause you haven't begged any of us for breakfast yet." Harry said pretending to be alarmed and rushed over and put his hand on his forehead.

Zayn and Lucy walked in and while rubbing his eyes Zayn asked, " Did you just say Niall hasn't asked for food yet?" and we all laughed.

Niall laughed and shoved Harry's hand away, " Niall! I think you have a temperature!" Harry exclaimed.

" Noooooo not my Irish man." Louis said turning Niall to face him and then pulled him into a tight hug.

The morning continued on with conversation like this for a little while longer.Niall finally cheered up but still didn't look at you or Liam at all.

Your home phone rang. Sydney ran over to it and answered it. "Hello?" she asked.

You all paused for a moment and then continued on with your own side coversations. " So...anyways," you heard Liam say and then you continued to nod and act like you were listening but you couldn't help but eavesdrop on Sydney's conversation.

"Yes the boys are still here with us." you heard Sydney say.

You were really listening now." Sam....Sam? Are you even listening?" you heard Harry ask and you darted your gaze on Liam.

Your moment:One shots!! ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now