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~2 person~

   Your mind short circuited, you felt so awkward. The blush came up to your ears. You hoped they didn't notice it. 'Just stay calm'

"Amanda," She said sticking out her hand to you;" Since we are going to the same place, and ran into each other, I should tell you my name." 

"(Y/N)," You said taking her hand;" And your cosplay of Bakugou is so good, I think you have the right height. And the suit must have taken so long to make. I'm rambling, sorry!" The blush tinting your cheeks. Another chuckle came from them. 'The Lord, She has left me' you thought.

"So (Y/N), where are you going? If I can ask?" Amanda asks you opening the door for you, and walking in.

"Well I'm meeting a friend, my sister is doing a shoot right now so that's why I'm by myself. If you were wondering that." You respond, glancing at her, as you walk.

"Oh, well I just got some Starbucks for my friends and I." She said, you didn't even see the drinks in her hand. And you thanked the heavens that you didn't spill the drinks on them. You took out your phone and texted Liz.

Hey where are you? I'm in the vender's hall.-          

 Liz-I'm in the third row on the left, I have a couple friends with me, so be prepared for chaos.

Ok! That's fine with me, I am bringing my Sister but she is shooting so it may take a bit-           Also, I bumped into some one and they are cute,help me Liz!-         

Liz-Calm down, talk to them, maybe you can meet up with them some time during the con.


"So, are your friends cosplayers?"You ask making conversation, as you walk. Trying to keep in pace with Amanda.

"Yes, one of my other friends is cosplaying Izuku, the rest have seperate cosplays." They say, just then you heard a familiar voice yelling out to you. 

"(Y/N)!" Liz called out to you. Waving both arms, and jumping a little. Liz was in a amazing Izuku cosplay;You walked in her direction.

"Coffee!" An unfamiliar voice yelled in your direction. Next to Liz were four other people. The excited yell came from a Victor cosplayer, and then cheers came from the other people. It confused you, You didn't have... oh... shit. Amanda walked with you, up to them, and started handing out the coffee. While the coffee was handed out, you talked with Liz.

"So..." "Yeah, I'm ready for death." Liz burst out laughing, you didn't think it was funny. "So how was the con so far?" 

"Well I need adult supervision when I'm in here, or I will be broke." You spoke with a sigh," But the rest has been great!" exclaiming with a gleam in your eyes. Not wanting to have the embarrassment get to you.

"So this is the (Y/N) you told us about." A Usagi cosplayer walks up to us, the others following; Amanda, the Victor cosplayer, a Mamoru and a Yuuri. "Hi, I'm Nikki and this is Rachel" Who I assumed was the Mamoru cosplayer. 

"Hello, (Y/N); I'm Uptown and this is Kion." They said, the Victor cosplayer was taller then you, you had the height in your friend group so this was not normal for you. But they seemed really nice, so it didn't bother you. 

"And We have already met" Amanda said with a smile,it made your knees weak. Liz walked up to get the coffee from Amanda, giving you a smirk. You assumed that Nikki and Rachel were a couple and Uptown and Kion. But You didn't know if Amanda was single, from the reaction from Liz, they weren't together. And if they were you wouldn't do any thing; but if you were honest, you probably couldn't.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you all!" You said with a bright smile, You had a small circle of friends but you were an introvert so you didn't go out to much. "So how has the con-" You started before you were interupted by a familiar voice.

"SIS!" Lilly yelled running up to you, Her shoes were off again. You loved your sister but if she embarassed you couldn't say she wouldn't go home without a broken bone. She stopped in front of you, panting, hands on her knees. "I found you..." She trailed off, looking up at everyone. "You know them? How? When? And where?"She asked you. 

"Calm down: I met Liz at the airport and just met the others now." You said, looking a little confused, did  she know them? 

"Hi," She said with a shy wave,"I'm a big fan, and aparentlly My sister doesn't know you are famous cosplayers." Then it all clicked for you,

"Ohhh, I'm sorry! I have never been into the cosplay side of the anime community! But your cosplays are really good!"You apologized to them, you felt bad for not knowing them.Before you could apologize any more Liz interupted,

"(Y/N), It's ok; And Hello, it seems you already know us." Liz said with a smile turning to Lilly; this seemed to calm Lilly down. "Do you want to walk around with us?" She asked.

"I was going to walk with you, if you wanted to." You said shyly, looking at Liz. Lilly nodded and we started walking around the con. Every once and a while someone would blog; We were included in them It was fun. The con is better in a group, then just two people. You got everyones' numbers and made a group chat, one with Lilly and one without. Amanda wanted a selfie with the group and then you. It made you blush as she put her arm around you. Liz hasn't said anything about the conversation from earlier, and you hoped she wouldn't. 

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