"Emma. Please." He begged, the slight tinge of red turning more significant by the second.

"Alright alright," The older woman finally said with a laugh, "I'll leave you to get on with it then. Good luck lad. Don't get yourself or any of your friends killed." Emma said, giving Miles a motherly peck on the forehead and ruffling his hair before finally returning to her work.

"I am so sorry about her Phoenix, and everyone else. She can be slightly overbearing some times." Miles said, shaking his head. Athena laughed.

"You went redder than your waistcoat Miles," She said, still laughing.

"Yes hilarious Athena thank you for all the value you add to conversations," He said sarcastically, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright girls you're both beautiful, let's get on with it now?" Apollo said, nervously looking over his shoulder. Klavier took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

They continued on, walking into the palace. Eventually, they reached Miles' old room, everything still in place. It'd taken them a lot longer than he'd expected; turns out he'd been missed a lot more than he'd expected.

"Ok. Apollo and Klavier, you go and tell the indoor servants what's going on and try to keep them as far away from the throne room as possible. If you say your friends of mine they'll trust you.  Athena and Gumshoe, you take the outside workers. They'll be in the gardens. Keep them as far away from the Palace as possible. Nick, you stay here. I need to go and talk to my brother alone. Don't follow me. If something goes wrong then get everyone out of the palace immediately. I have a backup plan for if everything goes wrong. Hopefully, it won't come to that though so just keep the main plan in mind."

Everyone nodded in agreement, heading off to begin their tasks. Nick, however, stayed silent and still.

"Why do I need to stay here? Won't you need help taking down Julian?" He said, finally after everyone had left.

"Of course I will. But I know that's not going to happen today. Maybe in a couple of days, but not today."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he's already got my wedding planned. Franziska will have come back here well before we did and will be waiting for me with Julian. I just... I don't want you to get hurt, Nick. I can't lose you. Not again." He looked down at his feet, sifting his weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably.

"Oh Miles... I-never mind just... go do what you have to do, Ok?" He said, smiling sadly.

"No... Nick what's the matter. Something's bothering you and I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me something."

"It's not that I feel like I can't tell you, Miles. I know I can't tell you because everything will go to shit if I do. There's too much relying on this and I don't want to be the one that ruins it."

"Nick. Nothing you tell me could change the plans or make everything go to shit. I swear to you."

"You swear? Do you swear that even if it does ruin what we have right now you'll still help the others and make sure they're happy?"

"Of course I do they're my friends too." Miles swallowed. He wasn't sure what Nick was about to say but it surely couldn't be anything good.

"Alright fine. I'm in love with you Miles. From the minute you walked back into my life, from the minute I saw you walking down the street, I've been in fucking love with you. It's been eating me up inside because I know full well you don't love me back and I hate looking at you and knowing you just see a friend," He said, sadness dripping from his words, tears welling up in his eyes. Miles smiled, then laughed. He laughed. He couldn't believe it himself, he felt insanely bad but he couldn't help it.

"Nick you big idiot," He said, still laughing.

"I knew this would happen. I'm so so sorry I ruined our friendship I-" Miles shook his head, still smiling.

"You really are an idiot. I'm not laughing at you, Nick I'm happy. I love you too you big dork."

"Wait. For real?" Nick said, his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yes for real. You're dumber than you look. Come here," He said pulling Nick in and pushing his lips to his. A small but soft gesture. A gesture to calm him down; a gesture confirming what both of them had wondered for so long.

A gesture confirming their love.

can everyone forgive me for never uploading now LOL. for u all, I wiggled around a couple of events in the story so that they get together now rather than later. I had planned a Magnus and alec from shadow hunters type thing to happen at the wedding but it's fine I've got it all planned out now. anyways I hope u all enjoyed and I'll see you next time! byeee - Alec

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