"Draco you better start talking or we are going to have a serious problem." my father whispered in my ear.

I sat up straight and looked at my mother. "Potter here is pregnant because he and I had sex."

"Draco we are extremely disappointed in you. You drank, first of all, your 15 years old! Then you're having sex! Then you knock up Harry! What is wrong with you!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms again, at the corner of my eye I saw potter with his head down and tears coming down his face.

"First of all mom, it was a party it's supposed to be fun! Second, if you paid more attention to me you would know I've been having sex since I turned 14!"

They both gasped and took away his wand.

"You will not speak to your mother like that, Draconian!"

I rolled my eyes again and slouched in the chair, "okay, can I go now?"

"Oh no Mr. Malfoy your parents aren't done."

I looked at my mother and father who were standing over me.

"I'm also disappointed that you told him to abort that child!"

I looked behind mother to see potters reaction but of course, the little shit was gone.

"Well as you said I'm 15! I'm not ready to be a parent!"

"Should have thought about that before you started having sex Draco!" my mother yelled tapping her foot.
Father pinched the bridge of his nose and sat on the couch across the room.

"Well, what do you want me to do mother?"

"Your taking full responsibility for this baby. Child support, stable home, there for Harry when he needs you."

"I'm not his boyfriend!"

"well, you might as well be!"

Father got up and told mother to have a seat and think. Now it was the scary part.

"Draco you are taking full responsibility for your actions!"

"He's aborting it!"

"No Malfoy has ever been aborted and we aren't starting with this one."

Of course, mother has to bring up the past. Not one Malfoy has been aborted. It's just not something my family believes in.

"No Malfoy is aborted! We are all turned into something great." Father said staring at me.

"Aren't I in an arranged marriage! I'm supposed to marry Astoria Greengrass!"

Mother turned to father with worry in her eyes but paid no attention to that.

"You aren't marrying her anymore. The arrangement will be called off immediately! The Malfoy heir will just have to be from you and potter. You will not marry anyone else. You don't have to marry anyone. What you do have to do is be there for your child."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I had to marry Astoria to continue the Malfoy name! Don't get me wrong she is very pretty but I'm gay so all I had to do is produce an heir and never have a sexual relationship again. What if the baby was a girl!

"What if the baby is a girl?"

"Then you must produce again."


"Quiet down." Father scolded.

I rolled my eyes and put my hand over my face.

"I'll take responsibility."

"Thank you, Draco." Mother said hugging me.

"Thank you for informing us Dumbledore, we will be on our way."

Father and Mother linked arms and walked out of the room.


I looked up at the headmaster.

"This is a huge responsibility, you must be very careful about your choices."

"Yeah yeah okay." I got up and walked out of the room.
Guess who I was greeted by?
A teary-eyed Astoria.

"Draco...we aren't getting married?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past her, I didn't have time for this bullshit.

"Draco your basically my husband! You can't walk away from me like that!"

I turned around and walked back up to her getting all in her face. Her face went a bit red but I didn't care.

"Astoria. We aren't getting married. I have business to take care of. You aren't my wife."

"Well then what business."

"I don't have to explain myself to a 3rd year." I turned around walking away. I didn't look back not once.
I mean at least I didn't have to marry her.
Word Count: 1316
Publish Date: May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day🌻

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