"Not looking. Not looking." Stu turns around.

I see the car pull up...in perfect condition.

"Fuck yeah!" I cheer.

Phil and Stu both look up and smile.

"Thank God." Phil smiles. "You see? It's gonna be alright."

Stu looks at Phil. "Who's gonna drive?"

"I will." Phil steps forward.

"No. You drove the cop car the whole time. I wanna drive this car." Stu stops him.

"My dad said Emily has to drive." Alan buts in.

"I don't care what your dad said." Stu says.

I walk to the guy and get the keys before getting in the driver's seat. The guys continue to fight so I honk the horn. They all jump and look at me. I wave my hands in circles, meaning 'hurry the fuck up'. They run over and get inside. I start driving as the boys look around.

"How come you get to drive?" Phil says, from the passenger seat.

"We're looking for my brother and I've known him longer than you have." I look at him and smirk. "Seniority rules."

He rolls his eyes playfully

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He rolls his eyes playfully.

"Anything?" Phil asks the guys.

"Hmm, I got a cigar." Stu holds it up.

"I found...There are some black shoes." Alan holds up somes shoes.

"They women's shoes?" Phil asks, looking back.

"I don't know." Alan hands them to Stu.

I glance back before looking at the road again. "They are too ugly to be women's shoes."

"It's a men's size six." Stu says.

"What is this, a snakeskin?" Alan holds up a used condom.

"Ew!" Stu yells.

"That's a used condom, Alan!" Phil yells.

Alan throws it onto Stu, who screams like a little girl. He pushes it off of himself which makes it fly onto my shoulder.

"Ew! Get it the fuck off!" I scream, swerving slightly.

"Oh, God. Ew!" Phil grabs it and throws it out the window. "Ew! I got jizz on me. Jesus Christ, guys."

I quickly pull off the road into a dirt lot before turning toward the backseat. Stu and Alan are giggling and I glare. If looks could kill...well...they wouldn't be giggling anymore with the way I'm glaring at them.

"Alright! What the fuck! We gotta get this shit together if we're gonna find my brother!"

Everyone is silent for a few moments when we something pounding somewhere in the car.

Doctors Orders for a Hangover - Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now