Chapter 1: The beginning

Start from the beginning

Short time skip, No Pov

Y/N: "Aw come on... It hasn't been 10 minutes..."

3 players ganged up on Y/N

Player 1: "Give us everything you have!"

Player 2: "Do it and we might just spare your life"

Y/N: "Don't fuck with me, I played dark souls one two and three!"

Player 3: "So what!? Get him!"

Y/N grabbed a rusty sword which he found on the street

Y/N: "All of you are going to die"

The first player charged at him with a dagger, Y/N dodged and slashed the players neck. He couldn't cut it off but the pain was horrible


Y/N: "Don't look at me like that, you people wanted to rob me"

Player 2: "You talk too much!"

Player two grabbed a sword and tried to slash Y/N, unfortunately he got parried

Player 2: "What!?"

The second player got stabbed in his stomach, after which the player coughed up blood and fell down

Player 3: "Hey now... You won't kill me right? T-this is just a prank bro! H-haha"

Y/N has a serious look on his face

Player 3: "IM OUTTA HERE!"

Player 3 tried to run away but Y/N grabbed the dagger which player 1 had and threw it at player 3. The dagger hit him at the back of his head causing him to fall and bleed to death

Y/N: "Hm... I think I should loot all of them"

Obtained: A dagger, a sword along with 3 peasant outfits and 6 gold.

Leveled Up!

Y/N: "Okay... So far I'm starting to think that none of these people understand how PvP works"

An unknown figure started walking towards Y/N

An unknown figure started walking towards Y/N

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???: "I'd like to take everything you have"

Y/N: "I'll just assume that you are one of those Pay2Win players"

The unknown player laughed

???: "What makes you think that?"

Y/N: "The game got released a week ago, I started playing today and I saw you at the spawn near a catfish, you were wearing a peasant's outfit... Luckily I have a special ability to use against players like you"

The unknown person took his sword out

???: "And what would that be?"

Y/N said out loud: "Nigerundayoooo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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