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I dreamt of you last night
You were here by my side
And I was very surprised
I was filled with happiness
As I looked into your face

You showed me your beautiful smile
And I saw the most wonderful sight
You hugged me tight
That brought me to paradise

Your sweet,tender kisses
Wiped away my tears
Your warm, pleasant touch
Comforts my weeping, broken heart
You healed it and cured in an instant

You told me about your love
And how much you wanted to show it
As I gazed at you
The sincerity was true

I could not utter a sentence
So I responded with an embrace
I could not imagined the fortune of my existence
The feeling of gratitude inhabits me in fullness

Then you held my hand
And together we walked by
To the most joyful moment of my life

But I woke up and broke by surprise
That was just a dream
The most wonderful dream

How I wish it would be for real
How I wish to feel your embrace
How I wish to stay in those dreams

Even if it's forever
As long as with you my dear

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