13|personal sibling talk day...

Start from the beginning

"Talk" I said then something clicked..."aren't you feeling something for Michelle?" I asked...

"Thats the fucking problem... I'm confused... Michelle is my type of girl... Emma is my type of girl but then... I can't sort out my feelings ivy... Its hard... I spoke to Jordan about it even Zeke but they both said the same thing...'follow your heart' isn't that what girls say!" He raised his hands in exasperation... He ranted it all out...

"Calm down... So Emma uhn....?" I said as he nodded and I smiled...

"Where did you meet?"

"Surfers side" oh... That explains his going out...

"Cool... What made you attracted to her?"

"She was stone hearted... She rejected my charm head on" he said as he smirked and I shook my head...

"And Michelle?"

"She's beautiful... Her personality... We have the same interest buuut! I've not really known Emma" he said as he dragged the but...

I think I have my answer for him"you have the answer Israel" i said in my all knowing tone... He stared at me like he just saw a ghost...

"What!?... You have it... Sleep... Wake up and think" I said as I left his room...

I need to shower and I need to talk to drake... But drake first...

He beat me to it!

"Hey there Bear!" I said as I smiled at what I said...

"Where did that cone from?"

"I really don't know.. But what's up?" I said as I put it on speaker and packed my excessively thick and curly hair into a rough ponytail...

"I missed you... This flu is brutal"

"I miss you too but I don't want that flu of yours and Mrs Campbell won't let me in... Cause she loves me enough not to get the flu"

"Bummer!" He said as I pictured him rolling his eyes... We talked for long though... I told him about Izzy and he told me the same thing I told him... I took a shower... I was playing bits life stimulation till I heard Jordan's door open...

I stepped out..."So?" I asked...

"I'll be back in the next I really don't know... And to make it faster... I'm taking a flight when coming back... She'll need it" he said as he put his hand in his hoodie... I ran all the way to Annalise room... Nothing has changed... I took in her mild scent that was still here... The cool color... I actually feel maroon is a cool color... I went into her sweet cupboard... She called it that... I brought out... M&M... With gummy bears... I ran back outside... And handed it over to him...

"She'll also need this" I said as I pecked his cheek...

"Thanks ivy... I better get going... Its 9... Don't tell mom and dad where I went... Okay?" I nodded and smiled... At last... I was going to see my sister!...

I saw him jog down the stairs..."feeling emotional uhn?" I jumped startled by the voice...

"Are you stupid?" I asked camille as she gave me a toothy grin!... The event planners were leaving soon.. Thank God!...

"Nope" she said as she popped the p...

"Oh God!" I said

"I need to talk to you" she said as she smiled...

"Seems today is the personal sibling talk day... Let's talk bunny bumpkins!" I said as she rolled her eyes.... We entered my room...

"Lucas is not something I'll call the dream boy for a relationship" was the first thing I heard... I turned and faced her...

"Like... He's hot and all but he's a jerk... Like I wonder how he fits his head through a door" I raised my eyebrow...

"So what's the problem?" I asked...

"Nothing... Just decided to tell you what is going on... I think he and Chloe will hit it off great... They look good together... But I think Noah has a thing go her but she doesn't believe me" she said as she laughed.. And I joined too... I really don't know why...

"Cool... Just leave the lover drama... You don't want to experience it at 13" I said as I plopped down on my bed...

"Hmm" she nodded and took my gummy bear as I glared at her... She smiled and stood to run out...

"You better get back here Camille!" I yelled as she bolted out...

"Ivy stop yelling in the house and you have a visitor" mom yelled and I stopped... Visitor?

"Okay... I'll be down in 3 minutes"... Shower shower.... Dress... Dress..  Broken record! Ding ding! 2mins... I'm very sure I still stink!... Oh well... I hope this visitor is worth it!...

I rushed downstairs... As I got there... I stopped in my tracks... What?



Hiya!... How are you doing?... Oh well... Sorry for the slow updates.... I'm having exam and and all that... Um! Who is the visitor? Is it someone from her past? Or what?..

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