Welcome To The Family|51|Haruna

Start from the beginning

There was a tension that began to build up as Haruna did not waver against his sharp gaze, noticing at the corner of her eyes that he was now clenching the bag on his hand.

Todoroki abruptly turned around, about to walk away, but a light voice joined in before he could.

"There you are Shoto, I was just about to message you where you've been..."

Standing just in front of the dango haired, was a woman with average height and haired coloured with similar white hair.

Opposed to the parted hair of the guy near him, her hair had traced of red strands.

Haruna deduced that it was his sister.

"Oh, is she your friend Shoto?" Beaming at the breadstick girl that noted the personality differences of the two siblings.

"No. Just a passer by." His sister's smile flickered, frowning at her brother as he picked up his pace and walked passed her before opening his own light blue umbrella.

From an alright dude that Haruna first encountered had switch off in an instant, and this time there was something different from how her classmate had been acting.

Weeks of not being back... Seemed like he had gone through hell instead of her.

"Um... I'm really sorry about him." Cutting off her thoughts, the woman gained the breadstick girl's attention.

Trying to ease down the tension, "It's just one of days of mood right?"

Haruna noted that his sister was at least on her good side.

Rather, the nicest version of him.

The woman let a small light laugh before looking at her with the sincered and friendly smile.

"You go to the same school as Shoto right? I've seen you in the TV for the Sports Festival... I'm glad to see you doing well. I almost had an heart attack for you children to go through such thing, but I guess I underestimated you Heroes huh?"

Haruna, unsure what to say nodded lightly before looking at the puppy that looked calmer than before and was snuggling her hand as if it had sensed her tensed posture.

Whilst the white haired realised that the girl was also not much of a talker like her brother, but much more muted.

She tried again.

"Are you going to keep him?" The brunette almost activated her Quirk when the sibling of the dango haired crouched beside her, holding her own umbrella while moving to pet the stray dog.


The breadstick girl jolted back a little when the dog barked at the woman's hand, turning to see what the reaction of the stranger beside her. She had a shock look on her face, before shaking her head and started to laugh.

"Looks like you've gained his trust than me..." Sending a closed eyes smile at Haruna.

"Keep him..."

Realising that she had trailed in order to wait for the breadstick girl to introduce herself.

"Hirabayashi Haruna..." She blinked and reluctantly extended her hand to the woman who grinned and enthusiastically clasped her hand around hers.

"Todoroki Fuyumi, but you can call me Fuyumi!"


That escalated than she thought-

"Can I call you Haru-chan?"

"I... sure." Awkwardly squaring her shoulders and avert eye contact from the woman.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now