Part 1 - Demon Summoning for Drunks

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"And I'm telling you," Daniel proclaimed drunkenly, sloshing alcohol out of his cup as he gestured with it, "that demons n' all that other occult bullshit is nothin' but a load of... bullshit."

"Oh yeah?" Adam snapped back, stepping drunkenly closer.

"Yeah, tha's right."


"Well what if - what if I prove it to you? What if I show you s' all real? What'll you do then?"

Daniel scoffed, wobbling a bit on his feet. "You can't prove it to me cause it's not real."

"But what if I did?" Adam's glazed eyes filled with a hint of mischief.

"If you prove it I'll eat my own shoe, but you won't cause 's not real."

Adam barked a laugh, "I don't want you to eat your shoe stupid. I want you t' publicly declare that you're a close minded idiot who was wrong. Oh, and you'd have to shave your head."

He grinned wickedly as Daniel instinctively reached up to brush the thick, blond locks he was so proud of.

With a glare Daniel replied, "Fine, but when I win you have to tell everyone you're a delusional fool, then wear a tin foil hat every time you go out for a month."

"Fine, 's a deal."

They shook on it, barely able to find each other's hands in their stupor, though I want much better off. They were both grinning like fools, but at least their stupid bickering seemed to be over for the time being.

"So, what's your plan?" I asked before either of them could get going again.

Adam was a rather eccentric, open minded sort, but proving anything to Daniel - even with alcohol in the mix - was nearly impossible. I'm pretty sure Bigfoot himself could walk up, introduce himself and shake hands and Daniel would tell him to his face that he wasn't real. That is a strong sort of denial.

Adam slammed the end of his drink and shot me a conspiratorial look. "Ann's books."

* * *

Ann was a very sweet girl from a small town who had moved to the city to attend university. She was intelligent, dedicated, and already had excellent prospects lining themselves up for her after graduation. Ann was also a witch.

With her modest appearance, melodic voice and gentle approach to life most people would never guess it. Of course Daniel never believed it, saying she was either seeking attention or delusional. His doubt did not change the fact that she studied arcane texts, drew summoning circles, and supposedly wielded the forces of the universe.

Honestly I'm not sure if I believe it myself, but I'm always very nice when I see her, just in case. Life is hard enough without having a pissed off witch making it even harder. That concern floated through my inebriated mind, making me pause near the doorway as Adam and Daniel stumbled through Ann's room bumping into furniture and disrupting the general decor as they went.

"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked.

"Magic book," Adam replied, scouring her bookshelf and knocking several books to the floor in the process. "She got a new summoning book a few weeks ago, said it was supposed to be real powerful." He paused, then added, "And chalk. We've got to draw the summon... circle thing with it."

Daniel walked over to an old steamer trunk that had several throw pillows and a folded blanket sitting atop the closed lid. He bent to open it, wobbling a bit.

"Guys, I don't think we should do this."

Daniel turned his head to me, "What, ya scared of fake magic? Don't tell me you believe that bullshit too." He gave a mocking laugh at the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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