I craned my head towards him in disbelief, "Until the week ends?!"

"Did you not quite hear me, Xiaojun?" our boss raises a brow and I looked away quickly.

"If we keep going, she'll definitely find out sooner or later what's going to happen." I uttered, also crossing my arms.

"There aren't much information to find about her, actually," Jisung suddenly blurted out, catching everyone's attention why his were still on his computer, "it's like Yun Keiko doesn't exist." he shrugs, now looking at us.

What is she? Some kind of witch or something?

"Impossible." Youngho furrows his brows.

Jeno shook his head, "Actually, no, that's not impossible."

"What do you mean, Jeno?" Kun questions.

"Well you see, hidden information is quite interesting, like the lack of files a person has can tell us something real quick." Jeno points out, "The file we're trying to gain access of is strictly confidential, it's nowhere found, thus meaning that it is secure somewhere far from our reach."

"Like... our own files, right?" Renjun utters and Jeno nodded.

"Every mafia clan does this to make sure that their information is only, and will only be, available for higher ups or members of the clan itself."

"So you're saying..." Donghyuck squints his eyes, "...that she's a mafia...?" he trails off, unsure.

Jaehyun lets out a laugh that nearly startled everyone. "She's not a member of any mafia." he states, still laughing.

Jisung coughs, "Well, Jaehyun-hyung is right. But we traced her location..."


"She lives with Yun Hansuke."

Taeyong slams his fist onto the table, "Yun Hansuke? One of our associates?" he tilts his head, a sly smirk rested on his lips.

Jisung nodded, his hand on his chest after being startled twice by Jaehyun and Taeyong.

Doyoung pursed his lips, head tilting a bit, "Mr. Yun has a daughter?" his mouth then went agape, I guess even he doesn't have a clue about it.

Chenle clicks his tongue loudly, "I don't think she's his daughter though?"

"What makes you say so?" Jungwoo hums, gaining interest on what Chenle said.

"If she's his daughter, then we would've known that years ago when we became associates with Hansuke." Renjun stated Chenle's point for him.

Chenle grins and nudged Renjun in acknowledgement while I chuckled at how childish Chenle could be.

Taeyong still had that smug look casted on his face and I sensed that he had something in mind. My eyes trailed onto Doyoung, only to find him looking uneasy and doubtful.

They talked about something again, didn't they?

Taeyong then clears his throat, "You're still going to continue the mission, I'll give you by the end of the week," he stated, "if she's not going to trust you by then, you know what to do, Jungwoo." his eyes fell on the innocent looking guy.

Jungwoo chuckles dryly, "If that happens, I'll need... Yangyang, Donghyuck, Mark, Xiaojun, and Hendery."

"Wait, she knows Donghyuck and Mark already." Renjun utters.

Ten crossed his arms, "What's the point? She knows you're in mafia already, doesn't she?"

"She guessed." Yangyang mutters.

"Guessed?" Jaemin was taken aback a bit.

Yangyang nodded, "That's what she said, right?" he looks at Jeno, Jisung, and Chenle who were in control of the earpieces awhile ago.

Jeno nodded, "Yeah..." he sighed, "but we shouldn't just believe that so easily."

"Why don't we just burst into her bar?" Lucas suggested and we all deadpanned at him.

"Yeah, that won't work." Sicheng told him.

"Why do we need to gain her trust anyways, Taeyong?" Mark groaned and placed his feet up on the meeting table, "What do you need from her?"

"Are you gonna turn her into something like Dasom?" Sicheng questions, I could hear how worried he sounded.

"Dasom's fine on her own." Jungwoo spat and Sicheng rolled his eyes, not even sparing a glance at Jungwoo.

Taeyong laughs, "I've taken an interest on her. An owner of a famous underground bar, someone who doesn't have much information to dig up, possibly linked to one of our associates?" he eyes each and every one of us, "She might be worth millions."

"You want to bet on with her life?" Jisung coughed after figuring it out.

Taeyong smiled wickedly, "At least not yet."

What the fuck is he thinking?

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