The next morning, none of us wanted to get back in the car. It was so nice outside, and the beach looked so nice and warm. We all knew that our parents would absolutely murder us if we got home late, since we had already spent the night in Santa Barbra without really telling anyone. But somehow, Georgie got Alex and I to change into our swimsuits, and before we knew it we were sprawled out on a beach blanket under a palm tree.

      It was a Sunday morning, and pretty early. There were a few people out, mostly fishermen and those guys who jog on the beach because 'sand is better for your knees' or whatever. Definitely not because you can get away with not wearing a shirt. But I wasn't complaining. 

Georgie had on her bright red string bikini that always made older men stare and younger men trip over their own feet. God, even hungover she looks awesome. "So Alex, how did your evening with Michael go?" She wiggled her eyebrows under her round sunglasses.

Alex flicked sand at her. "You two are terrible people."

"But you love us anyway."

He groaned. "He remembered me, which was kind of nice. I was actually having a good time, and I asked him if he wanted to get coffee some day."



"Ok, that's good right? Did he say yes?"

He blushed, and tucked his legs under him. "Yeah."

Georgia slapped him on the back, and cheered, "Hell yeah my man! Get it!"

I laughed, and couldn't help but be happy for Alex. I knew how hard it was for him to talk to guys. He has terrible anxiety. "Where does he live?"

"Here, In Montecito actually."

Georgia gasped. "That's where Oprah lives."

"Yes, and where Michael lives."

She sat up, and stared very intently at Alex. "If you don't want him I'll take him."

We all laughed, even though I don't think she was joking.

I dug my feet in the sand, relishing the feeling of warm sun kissed grains massaging my feet. I only brought one swimsuit with me, and I was really paying attention when I grabbed it from my closet. It was a fine suit, I guess. Just kinda boring. It's a one piece, and jet black. I liked it because it's simple, and covers the acne on my lower back.

       "Um, Lil?" Alex and Georgia tried to get my attention?"

I hummed, "Yeah?"

Georgie leaned over Alex to get closer to me. "That guy was like, super tall right?"


"And had a shit ton of tattoos and stuff?"


"Ok good, cuz I wanted to make sure I was looking at the right guy."

My head immediately snapped up, and I instantly saw who they were talking about. There was Trevor, walking down the beach with a surfboard and a few other dudes. When I say I forgot to breathe, I mean it in the sense of needing my inhaler from 4th grade. Like currently needing an inhaler.  

 He was wearing black board shorts, riding low on his waist. In actual light, I could clearly see every tattoo on his torso, arms, chest, and legs. Owch. He wasn't super tan, but he wasn't super pale either. Just a nice blend between the two. He ran a hand through his black hair, and I could swear someone put everything in slow motion for a second.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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