Chapter 1

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The great wall...

A wall that was built a long time ago, by our ancestors and the ones before us. It was given its name because of how big and tall it is, so tall that even the newest and strongest airplanes couldn't reach the top of the wall. The wall rose past the clouds.

No one really knew why that wall was built, actually... they knew why, it was to keep us, humans, from going to the other side of the wall. But the real question was 'what is on the other side?', are there living creatures there? Or were there just nothing and destruction, hopeless destruction.

For a while, that's what we thought. That behind the wall was nothing but destruction, destroyed lands with no life. But that was of course, before we started hearing the noises, the voices.

On October 21, 1982. A lady, who lived alone after the loss of her husband, claimed that she heard noises coming from the other side of the wall, she said she heard it from her house that wasn't so close from the wall but not that far either. Far enough to know that the voice was loud for her to hear.

The next day, many people, that heard her story, went to the wall to see, more like hear, if what she said was true. Nothing happened at the day, so the officers and people claimed that she was a liar. But when night came, the noises were heard.

It is said that the noise was more of animals, just creeper, deeper, that type that would send a shiver of fear down your back. People said they heard loud, terrifying growls and snarls. Some claimed that they heard caws and shrieks and other sounds. But one thing they all said that was in common, was that the noises were terrifying and scary.

One thing was for sure, they don't want to know what was behind the wall.

Because the people were terrified of the noises and didn't want to know what was behind the wall or anything about it, the case was dropped and no one searched about it or made any move to show that they wanted to know what way behind the door.

After a couple of decades, A businessman named Akainu wanted to know what was behind the wall and more about it, he did everything he could to gather as many clues as he could, as many scientists and doctors, as many allies to support his idea.

After many years and years of searching, a few creatures from the other side managed to get to the humans' side. People from all around the world freaked out even though the creature found were only three, 2 males and 1 female.

Akainu took this chance and captured the shifters, it was said that he needed 10 of the strongest first ranked guards to hold one of the males down after his powers were drained from him and 2 other to inject him with the needle (to make him pass out). Akainu needed many men to actually fight the 3 creatures and drain their power, about a hundred of second-ranked guards.

He then took them to one of his most secured labs away from people and it was closer to the wall, he called his best scientists to come to test the creatures but with the to not harm any of them unless necessary.


"Come on, Sabo! We're going to be late!" Whined Luffy as he clutched his bag tightly, they were finally called by Akainu to investigate and test some creatures from the other side.

The three brothers couldn't believe it when they heard that they were the chosen scientists to test those creatures, they were asked to pack their bags with all their clothes and need because this is a really dangerous case and they need them available at any time, so it was better if they stayed in the same building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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