💞 Cuddles with Them 💞

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Snuggle time with the demons, angels and human!

Btw, this is gender neutral <3



Whenever you both cuddle, it's mostly when you go to sleep. But, there are the days when you coax the hard working demon out of those piles of papers and end up holding him to your chest.

You'll run your fingers through his hair and occasionally kiss his head. While he snuggles his head either into the crook of your neck or on your chest. You absolutely love seeing this side of Lucifer, and cherish those times even if they're short.

Of course you bragged about it to Asmo, who literally whined and wouldn't stop bothering you about getting a picture. You lied and said you would just to get him off your back.

Those moments were for you and Lucifer.


This clingy baby? LOVES, and I mean loves when you snuggle. Of course he'd never admit that to his brothers, but you knew. His favorite way is to rest his head on your stomach and hug your waist. Why? No one knows.

If you're laying down and he walks in? Instantly on you, hiding his face because he's blushing and couldn't help himself. You found it cute whenever he did that. Especially when he gave an excuse like "I was just tired!" And what not.

Intimacy plus a thousand if you run your hands through his hair or play with it.


Obviously, you were the one who made the first move when it came to cuddling. But, he was the one who asked. The nervous otaku had quietly asked you to cuddle, and you almost had a heart attack from how cute he looked!

So the two of you got in his bed, you laying in between his legs and resting on his chest. You told him to wrap his arms around you, and boom.

Whenever you're both free and no one's around, the snuggle fest is on! If you pulled all nighters, you'd cuddle up wrapped in blankets and watch anime together. You couldn't resist teasing him sometimes though, turning around and winking or saying something just to fluster him.

The adorable faces and stutters were all worth being a little embarrassed yourself.


Usually, cuddling between the two of you happens most when you're reading. If he's reading and you're around, you'll simply sit next to him and lean onto him. He'll wrap an arm around you and pull you closer, asking if you want to read too.

He'll end up reading to you, one hand holding the book and the other twirling your hair. You found it comforting, and occasionally catching yourself falling asleep from his voice and the rumble from his chest as he spoke.

Once Mammon barged in, finding you asleep against a reading Satans chest. Before Mammon even got the chance to speak, Satan gave Mammon a dangerous glare. Mammon was yanked out the room seconds later by Lucifer, leaving you and Satan alone again.

He held you a little closer that day, and admired your sleeping face for a while. (As creepy as that sounds)


He doesn't care where you are, if he wants to hold you, HE WILL. If you're busy and he wants some attention, he'll come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder and hug your waist. He'll ask you to spend some time with him, which you happily oblige too.

Then when you're in bed, he'll tell you about his day while playing with your hair. You'll listen and occasionally pipe in, enjoying your lovers embrace. Of course, when he's listening to you talk, he'll teasingly press kisses on your neck and jaw.

And when you paused to glare at him, he'd smile and peck your lips, watching you become more flustered and hide your burning face.

You always got him back later on.


Cuddling with this giant? TOP TIER. He's literally a big teddy bear, what more could you ask for? If you want to cuddle, he's always down. If he wants to, and you're around, he'll grab you and set you in his lap.

Next thing you know, you're trapped in his arms. He'll wrap his arms around your stomach and bury his face in your neck or lean on your shoulder. You'll become embarrassed and try not to show your red face, but he knows.

When he picks you up and carries you, you immediately melt into his arms. If you had just woken up and he came to get you for breakfast, you'll jokingly ask him to carry you. Only for him to actually do it, but you don't complain and snuggle into his embrace.

The looks from the brothers you get once you get to the table though are funny.


Cuddling KING! Period. Anytime you two spend together is 90 percent cuddling, whether it be while you're working on school stuff, or taking a nap together.

If you're working and he wants to nap, Belphie will lay somewhere around you, hug your stomach and lay his head in your lap. The first time he did that, it took you forever to regain your composer and not pass out from all the blood rushing to your face.

You tried taking a picture once, but you forgot the flash was on, waking him instantly. You shrieked when he jumped onto you, and five minutes later, after an intense tickle session (hah go away sinners) he finally stole your phone and deleted the picture. You were sad, but the extra warm cuddling after made up for it.


You + his lap = perfect. It doesn't matter what position. Spooning, sitting, anything. He loves holding you like that. Especially when you become flustered over it. He gets just a little too excited sometimes.

Lucifer walked in on you both once, Diavolo looking up from your neck, revealing his love bites and bruises scattered across your neck. Your soul left you from the amount of embarrassment you felt. You actually passed out for a solid minute, waking back up to a worried Diavolo and Barbatos.

Lucifer had left as soon as he came, not even noticing you passed out.

You avoided Lucifer for the rest of the day.


PrEmArItAl cuDdlInG?!?!?  !! SINNER-
Jk. This boy loves holding you!

Hugs and hand holding are the main thing you two do, but cuddling happens frequently too. It's mostly from you, hugging him from behind and snuggling close. Which results in some quality cuddling time, while you conversate about your day and what not. Simeon will rub his cheek against yours, earning giggles and little kisses from you.

Whenever one of the demon brothers saw your little lovey dovey actions towards each other, most(excluding Asmo who thought it was adorable) would either cringe, gag or roll their eyes at the sight. You ignored them though, enjoying your boyfriends attention.


Aaaah, My first chapter!! I'm sorry if these seem a bit out of character, I'm still getting used to writting again so it may take a moment! Also, i plan on adding Solomon later on, I was just so excited to get this chapter out!

I hope you enjoyed it >-<

Edit:I decided to removed Luke from this.

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