Start from the beginning

          "Oh, you were down here." He smiles wryly. For both of them they're going to have to swallow their pointless pride and just come together. It hurts, Tahji doesn't want to let it go, selfishly.

She steps forward, arms crossed over her chest. Back still raw with the pain of the sword of his action dragging through her jagged vertebrae splitting through calcified phosphate and fibrous cartilage like all she surmounted to was an exoskeleton. "Do you know how fucking scary it was for me? You knew that you could die, and you still did it. Do you want to torture me?" It hurts, it hurts so much that she wants to die with the pressure she can feel in her heart.

          "I'm so sorry Tahji." Daniel says, he's prepared to get on his knees and beg for his friend to take him back. The girl before him is terrified, she's terrified of what will happen if she takes back her best friend, her brother that she never had. She's terrified of what will happen if she doesn't take him back.

          "Sorry's not good enough Daniel!" She exclaims, a hand running through her hair. This is infinitely worse than anything that she could've ever fought about with Tooru, because in her heart she's already forgiven Daniel. In her head, she can imagine how his chin would rest to the right of her head and press against the flesh of her clavicle when they hugged and how things would be back to normal if they can just come over this massive incidence of trauma. Foolishly, she wants to leave this boy behind, she wants to cut him out of her life with a pair of kitchen scissors if it means avoiding his death.

Aoki Daniel may be a church boy, but he won't be a martyr, he won't die for some righteous cause with thousands of followers and a crown of thorns atop his head. He will not die unmourned either, Tahji hopes to any god that's still listening that she will never have to witness the day that her best friend dies.

          And it spills forth from Okonome Tahjiko in red hot magma that leaves her body in burning rivulets. She's spent three days dead to the world in her petty refusal to eat an actual meal with nutritional value since Daniel couldn't resurface from unconsciousness long enough to swallow a meal down. "What the hell do you want me to do then because I don't want to lose you!"

She's too tired to possibly calculate a retort that will win her way. Daniel's too used to her doing that, he won't even fight back. Her wrath flows free without her mind left to keep it stagnant.

          "Why can't you get it through your stupidly thick skull that I hate you. Ruiko died in my arms, do you know how it felt to see somewhere you care about dying in your arms? No! Because you're so fucking stupid."

Tears blurring her eyes she storms back into the kitchen with Daniel hot on her heels as the rest of the residents bask in the newfound drama silently. Paris makes an undignified squeak in his pajamas (flannel, this time) as the teenage girl just swallows down one of his black-label whiskeys straight from the bottle. That was one of his most expensive investments ever.

The boy with his blond hair and sad eyes with his face turned toward the ground winces as she slams the glass bottle back down on the counter. Everyone does, but no one dares to touch her out of the Fighting Order, goddamn unspoken rules. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand her right fist collides with the right side of his face against the soft flesh beneath his zygomatic arch and pushing into the cartilage of his nose.

          Daniel clenches his jaw and doesn't pull away to avoid her killer right hook as he almost falls to the ground. Tahji would never put him in jeopardy like that even though he was stupid enough to put himself into a coma for three days.

          "Yeah, I deserved that." He admits, blood dripping like a leaking faucet as he holds his nose up while Tahji shakes her fist out. No one says a word but Daya presses a washcloth under his nose and Paris gets up to pull another chair from the closet.




          "So what are you going to do about Sugawara?" Tahji asks as the two share mugs of hot chocolate that Paris made for them with a healthy amount of alcohol and love mixed in. The girl with her frizzy dark hair melts into the small space behind the bed that her and Daniel are hiding behind to avoid their other friends. It's childish, but Tahji spent her childhood running from her mother's demons crawling up from hell and Daniel was basically drowning in baptism waters so they felt free to act like toddlers around each other.

          "Apologize, win him over somehow."

          "If I'm being truthful, that's kind of pathetic. You should be groveling at his feet right now." Tahji points out as she reaches up to the bed and the plate of cookies that Paris left there so that she could dunk it. She even skipped core day for the first time in years so that was entirely Daniel's fault

          "Did you grovel to Oikawa?" He snorts.

          "No, we just had makeup sex and I assured him of my unwavering dedication to our relationship." It's not like she's lying.

          "You're so simple."

          "There's a reason sex is one of the oldest practices in humanity. It works."

           "I don't think that's quite it, but go off."

           "At least I have a boyfriend."

          "Whoa okay. Way to flex."

           "But still what are you going to do about him?"

          "I'll give it time."

Tahji gives him a look. She hasn't really been involved in relationships before Tooru, but from what she's overheard from other girls in bathrooms, outside of otherwise abandoned classrooms, and at parties where people assume that she's deaf because she's pretty— that's obviously not going to cut it.

Really, neither of them have been in any relationships throughout high school. Causing pandemonium among the sex offenders that preyed on innocent children really did monopolize a lot of their time last year. "Why don't you give him something, what does he like?"

Her blond friend looks into his alcoholic hot chocolate guiltily as he reaches up to take a cookie. "You're kidding me, right?" She deadpans. This boy.

          "Well he likes hanging out with his brother, he wants to be a literature professor, and he kinda knows how to drive and he really likes alpacas." Daniel says weakly as Tahji shakes her head.

          "You spent all that time with him and you still don't know anything about him? And he's terrible at driving, thank you for that experience." A shiver runs down her spine about how they were all risking their lives that night with the silver haired setter's terrifying driving.

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