Berserkers - Infiltrating the Ikebukuro Guild (1)

Start from the beginning

"Don't glare at me like that, Shiro, Masato. Catching your fight with the white lion was just a coincidence. I happened to figure out where you were when the App activated. If you're saying that means I was spying on you, I'm offended. That white lion is the right-hand man of the Ikebukuro Guild, the Berserkers. I'm shocked you even attempted to fight him. By the time we arrived, the fight was already over, but thanks to the App, I was able to come to your aid right away. My goal. . . was what happened next." As soon as Shuichi said that Shiro let out a gasp as if he just realized what Shuichi was talking about.

"So that's why you went out of your way to act bizarrely in the middle of town! All for the sake of. . ." Shiro was mumbling to himself as he put together everything that Shuichi did after meeting with us and I was kind of understanding what was happening but not fully.

"That's right. My goal was to enter a battle by your side. And it wasn't bizarre! My actions were born from my familial love for my baby brother." Shuichi was looking at Duo with complete adoration in his eyes which caused Duo to look away from him in annoyance.

Shiro cleared his throat which brought back Shuichi attention to us. "Please, get back to the point." Shiro was speaking to Shuichi in a cold formal way and the look in his eyes was completely filled with disappointment.

"Shiro, I can't help but notice your attitude towards me has changed. Not long ago you admired me, but now you're looking at me like gum on your shoe." Shuichi had a hand under his chin as he frowned as he looked at Shiro in confusion and I could only shake my head at how blunt he was.

"Get on with it." Shiro spoke so coldly to Shuichi that I even shivered. Shuichi seemed surprised at Shiro change of attitude towards him and I could only sigh at how stupid he was currently. 'When the person you respected turned out to be. . . rather disappointing, of course your attitude towards them will change rather quickly.'

"Your deductions are correct. Since you worked that out, how about the rest. . .?" Shuichi seemed to return back from his surprise at Shiro's new attitude towards him as he got his usual carefree smile on his face again.

"Fine. That Sacred Artifact you have, Shuichi. . . Considering its Role and Rule. . . That Book can read the memories of its target and record them. Am I correct about the ability of your Sacred Artifact?" I looked at Shuichi with new found interest as I learned how his Sacred Artifact worked. 'Is it possible to look for hidden away memories? But what if it is just memories the person currently has? I am so curious!'

"You are absolutely correct. I applaud your intelligence and observational skills. Let's just say, when it comes to information warfare, no one in Tokyo can outdo us." Shuichi looked proud as he spoke while Shiro just frowned and the look in his eyes got even worse.

"I didn't think you were the kind of person to use such methods. To be honest, I'm disappointed." I felt really sorry for Shuichi whose approval in Shiro eyes were declining so fast and hard that I doubt anything could save him at the moment.

"Come now, Shiro. I think it's best to be upfront with one another." Shuichi tried to wave off what Shiro just said but that only made Shiro more upset from what I could currently see. "Setting aside your personal feelings on the matter. . . Regardless of the method, we were able to gather information from our encounter. So we will provide some in return. More specifically. . . Information on Kengo Takabushi, for example."

Shiro's eyes grew wide as he looked at Shuichi in surprise. "Kengo?! How do you know Kengo?!" I wasn't that surprised since I knew how his Sacred Artifact worked and I am pretty sure he could have gathered information about Kengo using it.

"I told you, my Sacred Artifact presides over information. Info on members of the Ikebukuro Guild is no exception. However. . . This information might not be good news for you. No new is when the Ikebukuro Guild Berserkers are involved. . . They're warmongers through and through. Taking them on would be nothing short of reckless for inexperienced fighters like you two. That is my honest opinion. Do you still want to know?" Shuichi wasn't smiling as he stared at us seriously and I could tell Shiro was a bit nervous.

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