Collateral Damage: Part 12

Start from the beginning

"That sounds perfect." She leaned over him to turn off the irritating machine, not paying mind to the weapon that lay on her nightstand in its ankle holster. "I have to work in an hour, but I can let you know when I'm free?" Juliet hoped he wouldn't ask her what work she was doing. The thought of telling him that her writing career was in a lull was still in the back of her mind, but she pushed it down further. He didn't need to know of her failures this early in their relationship.

Her worry moved from her job to the white bandage that caught the corner of her eye as he pulled her down on top of him with a sexy chuckle. She ignored him as she slid her hand up his arm, the muscles beneath it flexed as she moved up to the edge of the wrap around his bicep.

"What happened?" Her eyes ran over the small amount of red that had seeped through during the night, and she looked up at him with concern. Matthew's smile remained, but she could see it was forced as the amusement had dropped from his eyes.

"Nothing really. Do you remember that guy I had to deal with a few days ago when we spoke on the phone?" He glanced down at the wound briefly before he shrugged with nonchalance. "Well, there was collateral damage." She could tell he had been trying to brush off her question with a joke, and she didn't like that he wouldn't tell her the truth. He let his arms fall from her hips down to the bed, releasing her. Juliet took that as a sign that he wanted to get up, and she rolled over to free him. Her eyes were greedy as they roamed over his broad and muscular back as he stood. He stretched for a moment before she saw him twinge when he moved his right arm. Matthew stowed the gun away on his body and grabbed his shirt from the ground to put it on. She felt guilty that she ruined the mood of the morning.

Juliet made a mental note that anything to do with work or his work trips seemed to be an off-limit conversation if she didn't want him to shut down. It made her uneasy that he didn't want to talk to her about any of it, but at the same time, she didn't want to talk to him about her new job either.

As he made his way to the restroom, she pulled herself together and went to the kitchen to make coffee. As the pot began to heat, Matthew walked into the room and took a seat at the breakfast bar, watching as she cut the first bagel in half to slip it into the toaster. Juliet tried to ignore the feeling of his eyes on her as she moved about the kitchen to grab a packet of hot chocolate powder to add to her coffee.

They ate in silence, and Juliet felt tense in the quiet. She glanced over at him as he took a large gulp of his coffee.

"How can you drink that?" She was unable to hide her disgust at the black liquid and relaxed when he let out a laugh as he pointed at the homemade mocha in front of her.

"Black coffee is good. Dark roast is best, but I guess your weak medium will do." He said as he nudged her side with his elbow. "How can you drink that? You made it a cup of pure sugar." The way he mimicked her disgusted tone was amusing, and she quickly picked up the cup to move it in front of him.

"Try it." She insisted. He gave her cup a sniff before he pulled back and gave an exaggerated grimace. Juliet huffed at him before she began to pull her mug away, only to be stopped by his hands that reached out to grab it with a defeated sigh. After a small sip, she watched as his eyes brightened for a moment before he hid the enjoyment and returned the cup to the counter.

"That was disgusting." He said with no conviction. "I hated that." Juliet let out a laugh at the outright lie he fed her before she took a sip of her drink. He slid his mug over to her in a challenge as he raised one eyebrow.

"Nuh-uh." Juliet said as she shook her head. She loved her morning coffee but hated it without any flavoring or cream. Without it, the bitterness was too much for her.

"Oh come on, it's only fair." The cup moved an inch closer as he nudged it with his knuckle. When she shook her head again, he swiped the cup and took a big sip before turning to her and leaning in. Juliet jumped from her seat with a small yelp and backed away from the man.

Matthew stood up after her with a small drop of coffee running down his chin after he let out a small chuckle. He motioned for her to come to him, and she moved into a battle stance.

"That is disgusting, Matthew! No way." The amusement was evident in her tone, but there was no way she was going to let him make her drink the vile liquid. It only took a moment of her glaring him down before he swallowed the coffee and dove for her.

"That's fair." The two laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips down on hers.

For the first time, she didn't mind the bitter taste of the plain black coffee on his lips as he kissed her. In fact, she wanted more. She had only pulled away when she heard a throat clear, disrupting them once again.

"So, is this going to be a thing now?" Tessa said with amusement as she interrupted them for the second time. Juliet pulled away from Matthew quickly, and he grunted as he reluctantly let her go.

The clock on the stove sent a panic through Juliet as she let out an expletive. "I'm going to be late!" She ran by her roommate and quickly grabbed clothes before running into the privacy of her restroom to change. It only took her a minute to get dressed, wash her face, pull back her hair, and brush her teeth.

When she came back out, Matthew moved to turn off the kitchen tap as he had finished rinsing the last dish from their breakfast. She gathered her phone, keys, and shoved her wallet in her back pocket as Matthew made his way to her.

Tessa sat quietly at the breakfast bar watching the two with a calculating stare as if she were trying to work out a difficult problem, but she gave her roommate a quick wave as Juliet pulled Matthew out the front door.

There was no way that Juliet could walk to work today, no matter how close it was. If she wanted to get there on time, she would have to drive. As she ran to her car and opened the door, she wanted to slap a hand against her forehead. She had forgotten about Matthew on her rush out of the door, and she hoped he wouldn't be upset by it. Juliet turned suddenly to say goodbye and let out another yelp as she collided with his muscular chest. He reached for her as she fell backward into the side of her car.

"I'm sorry," She reached up and quickly kissed him. "I have to go, but dinner sounds great! I'll text you later." Matthew grabbed her chin with his thumb, and for a moment, the panic melted away as he pressed a gentle kiss on her lips once more.

"I look forward to it, Red." As he released her and began to walk through the parking lot, Juliet jumped in her car and sped to Sophia's Sweets, praying that she would get there on time.


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