Chapter 24

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Today is currently Saturday and the sixth day of my dad's first week traveling and he is in Nashville.

Tonight they leave for Knoxville then Chattanooga then Bristol after that they will go to the Carolinas Monday.

How do I know this well dad told me where they will be going and stuff.

So Alyssa and I were currently getting dress for practice which will be home .

So we were in the computer room by the computer there are two computers set up in here.

I told my dad that I wanted my own computer for my privacy but he never listened to me.

" Alyssa and Micaì come down for breakfast " said mom.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat down as mom placed our breakfast in front of us.

" Mommy I have a feeling that dad them coming back earlier than expected " I said as I ate my breakfast

" If that's how you feel then that's hownyou feel I have a feeling that God is going to speak to.your father and tell him cut the trip short to three weeks" said mom.

" Yep but if he does he gone surprise me and he will only tell you for sure mom dad always does that " I said

" Well what can I say my husband loves to surprise his baby girl i can't help but smile everytime he does it because it's so amazing " said mom

" It is but for some reason I'm always crying everytime he does that " I said

" You the cry baby out of all my children and you are a daddy's girl see how you under me well this is how you are with your dad" said mom.


I will be continuing in another person's pov her dad.

Micah pov

So I'm away from my family but I have two weeks on tour the other two weeks ended up getting canceled because of an issue in the states inwas supposed to be going to.

My wife and sons knows I'm coming back home after the other two weeks and Micaì doesn't.

Yesterday I spoke with Bishop and told him my idea of how I was going to surprise Micaì.

I told him that he should allow her to introduce me as a speaker she will read my biography hopefully she doesnt notice she is reading about me.

So after she is done  Bishop is going to tell her that she read my biography and to look at the entrance of the sanctuary where I will be.

Hopefully I surprise her then because I know my baby girl has been emotional because she has been missing her teddybear and I've been missing her and my sons along with my wife.

So I'm glad the other two weeks got cancelled and it was God telling me something .


Back to Micaì


We practiced a few songs and so we did two for tomorrow and the other two for next week Sunday.

We kept on practicing those moves until we got it right and we were tired.

Micaì dancing solo

After dancing we went downstairs to the kitchen to get some snacks to eat and water to drink.

Micaì and Alyssa spent the rest of the afternoon in the tv room watching reruns of America's Next Top Model.


Quick update

Micaì will be surprised

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