Blame Aphrodite

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Hello, Hello, Hello!

Welcome to Blame Aphrodite

As all of my little babies can see, I started a new book and I'm sure you can tell that this one is really different from the normal psycho killer sexy chaos that you're used to reading from me. 

This book is a massive change from what I'm used to writing as well and there might be some things that are hard to understand right away but I want to clear up a little confusion

This book a historical fiction but PLEASE don't let that deter you from reading it. 

The book takes place in 1820's Greece and is in switching POV's between a character from England and a character that is Greek. 

Like I said, confusing but please stick with me

During the 1820's in Greece there was the Greek War of Independence and England was one of the allies for Greece. 

Do not worry, the story is not all about the war but simply explaining why the male protagonist, Everett, is in Greece in the first place. 

Also, the first chapter (Prologue) is told in third person so if that is something that bothers you then please know it's just for that chapter. 

I don't want to spoil the rest of the book but I just wanted to give you these guidelines so you won't be as confused! I hope it helped and if you actually made it this far kudos to you!

As for the next part, I'm sure we all know the drill by now with these books and if you've been here before and respect the rules, by all means, scroll onto the book but if you're new, please take the time to read this next part as well!

This book is mine and mine alone, if you see it on any other platform please know that it is there without my permission and to let me know about it ASAP. It would be greatly appreciated. 

Next, comment section! I love the comment section on my books and so far there hasn't been anyone being mean or rude to myself or another reader so I'd like to see that kindness continue in here. Any hate comments will be deleted so please just be nice to one another. 

Often times on my books I'll ask for criticism and the constructive kind is always wanted but the degrading, hateful can be shoved up your ass. Just saying. 

Never feel afraid to PM me or comment on the book if you're confused by anything. I don't bite, I promise! 

Now please enjoy yourselves!


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