litte peter quill

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I was know fourteen  and I have power my dad said I got them from my mom. The powers I have are mind reading,flying, super strength,skilled at fighting(not really a power but idc),and  I can make force dad said since i turned thirteen i can finally go on a "mission" whith him we land the ship and put our headphones on and listened to "come and get your love"as we walk around on a abandoned planet called we were walking he was lip singing to the song and doing a random dance moves all I could do was watch and laugh.he stopped for a second and looked at you
Dad:"what are you looking at"he took my hand and spun me around and continued dancing.we got to our destination.he got one of his gadgets out set is on the floor to pull the orb out of the cylinder. He pick it up and as we were turning around it looked like we had some  company. They pointed blasters at us and the guy with little horns told us to put down. He spoke some weird language and the other two circled us and told us to drop the orb.
Dad:"hey cool man no problem"i gave him a confused to look as I went into his mind
                    Mind confrontation.                 Me: what are you doing?!
Dad:calm down just fallow my lead
Me:ok but dont do anything stupid
                    Back to what going on outside the mind

The guy pick up the orb
??:"how did you know about this?!"
Me:"we dont know what that is were just junkers man were just checking stuff out"
??:"yall dont look like a junker were wearing ravanger garb"
Dad:"this is just a outfit man"
Me:"ninja turtle you better stop poking me "
Dad:"dont touch her!!"
Dad:"my name is peter quill"
??:"AND HERS!!"
Me:"my names Y/N quill chill out man"
??:"come on move we to ask questions"
Dad:"there is another name you might know me by.....starlord"
Me:"come on man starlord the legendary outlaw"
Dad:"ah forget this"he look at you giving you a sign you nod back at him. He kicks back the bright ball back toward the other two making them disappear "wow cool" was all I said. Me and my dad got out a gun and we both shot the leader making him fall back I put the gun back in  my holster and go pick up the orb give it to my dad so he can put it away and the guy gets back up. He blasted my dad but he dodged it and fell back. He tried to blast him again and put my dad use his rocket boot and breaking through the wall and landing far. Wich left me with him he tried to blast me but I put a force field up since I dont have experience with the force field when the blast hit the field it sent me flying having a crash land next to were my dad was. He  quickly got up and help me up and we made a run for it back to the ship.we look back and the guy was running towards us the other guard were by the ship but my dad used the magnetic think to buy us some time we jump sliding into the window we got in our seats and I put my seat beats on and my dad didn't
Me:"dad put your seatbelts on!"
Dad:" no its fine "
You just rolled you eyes and helped start the ship and fly it. I look out and see them setting up a gun looking thing
Me:"uuhh we  need to hurry there setting up something"and we started the fly out of there. They shot but my dad blocked it.
I sat back and took a breath and put a force field on the ship. They shot the field making be weak and breaking the field luckily there aim was bad and we got out of there sight but water shot up on the ship causing it to fall and making my dad fall to the back of the ship
dad:"oh shut up and help"he chuckled
I used my telekinesis to pull him back and at the same time I bring to ship to the right side up(I can use my mind with telekinesis)
Dad:"thank you"
Me:"your welcome"you look at him and smile he look at you and smiles back and runs the top of your head
Dad:"you yanna listen to music"
yall were listing to music and a girl with pink skin come out and my dad told her he forgot she was there and I laughed
     Skip to a few hours later
You and your dad were looking the hologram and the pink girl was sitting drinking coffee she one of my dad one night stands. We got a incoming call from yondu I call him grandpa because he always had a soft place in his heart for me. My dad told my he wasn't my grandpa but I still call him that
Pink:"peter you have call"
Me and dad:"no dont"
But it was to late and yondu's face popped up on the screen and he did not look happy so I stepped of the frame to see were this would go because yondu does not like it when i see him mad.
He whisper to me to get back here but I dont listen.
Dad:"hey yonu"sounding nervous.
Yondu:"I'm here on Morag ain't no orb ain't no you or Y/N"
Dad:" well I was around so I thought I'd save you the hassle"
Yondu:"were you at now!"
Dad:"I feel bad about this but I'm not going to tell you"
Yondu:"I slaved putting this together!"
They started arguing
Yondu:"when I pick you up on terra they never tasted terran before I stop then your alive because of m.."
Me:I stepped in "hey gramps how you doing" I elbowed my my dad and mumbled 'save you' and mumbled back 'thanks'
Yondu:"oh hey Y/N how you doing how was it today"
Me:"it was fun beat some ass"
Yondu:"ok can you go and let my talk to peter real quick" you nod to back to your dad and mouth 'I'm sorry'
Yondu:"I'll find yo..!"
And my dad hung and look at me
Dad:"we got to talk about your language"
Me:"what I learned from the best" you walk away to your room and your dad yelled  in the background
Dad:"hey I see what you were trying to do there it didn't work"
You were in your room listening to music and you looked at your hand and they started to have a red and orange color to them you screamed in fear and your dad came in.
Dad:"WHAT HAPP....OMG YOUR HANDS AND YOUR EYES "you looked in the mirror and they were red your dad touch your hand.
Dad:"ow it's you think it's a new power?"
Dad:"remembers breath try to control it find what the power is and control it"
You nod and close your eyes and took a breath when you started to concentrate all you sall was a picture of fire.
Me:"its fire"
Dad:"ok now try to control it" you nod and make fire appear in thin air
"COOL" you and your dad says
Dad:"ok now see if you can shoot it"
Me:"what if I burn something"
Dad:"its fine I'll put it out" you nod and push you hand out and shot a fire ball. You wanted to see if you could make your hand hot to the touch without making a fire ball so you close your eyes again and breath.
Dad:"what are trying to do"
Me:"seeing If I can make my hands hot to the touch"
You open you eye that are now orange and see you hand are now wanted to test it so you grab a metal rod and it melted in your hands
Dad:"that's awesome I wonder if you have any more power in you"
Dad:"i didn't tell you this before but your mom was a goddess that's probably were this power came from"
Me:"wait really and you wait to tell me this now "
Dad:"I'm sorry it never came around"
You pulled him into a side hug
Me:" I love you"
Dad:"I love you too"
Me:" were are we heading?"
Dad:"Xander "
Me:"ok coool"
He got up and left you just work on your powers and got used to it easily.

A/N:hey this was a long story 1525 word.whos your favorite garden of the galaxy member comment!

Adventures With Peter Quill Aka My DadWhere stories live. Discover now