" Worth every minute. "

Meryl noticed the furrow in Willow's brow as she met eyes with her best friend, she was filled up on the excitement of finding Willow and Barry holding hands. She pulled a stray chair from an empty table and made eye contact with an available hostess. In typical Meryl fashion, she effortlessly asked the stranger for a strong cup of coffee and sat down.

" Totally sitting in and being the third wheel for a minute, " she interrupted their uncomfortable stares and let out an exasperated sigh. Wiping the thin layer of sweat from her forehead she tucked any loose hair from her face behind her ears and leaned in, ready to plunge headfirst. " So you're dating now, right?! " The infectious smile showed her perfectly aligned teeth, and she playfully bit her tongue as she tried to edge out an answer from them. Willow took a deep breath, planning on not just apologizing but going into detail about what had happened. However, Barry was faster, " We are. "

The edge of his mouth peaked, hinting at a growing smile as he looked over at her. Willow's mouth hung open for just a moment, as she looked over at him, her stomach rolling over. A small burst of pure happiness shot through her, causing her cheeks to flush and for her to laugh. She nodded at Barry and then was startled as Meryl leaned forwards. Touching both of their still intertwined hands. " This is my Christmas. " She whispered loud enough for just them to hear as she giggled, watching how uncomfortable a bright red Willow and wistfully smiling Barry were. He released their hands and raised a brow, the server bringing over her coffee. " You guys have kissed then, right? " She paused, pressing the two of them, still reeling from her sleep exhaustion and a sudden hit of caffeine. Barry pressed his lips into a thin line as he fought off giving away anything. Not wanting to put Willow into any type of uncomfortable situation.

" I mean technically we kissed each other when we first met. " Willow spoke under her breath, smirking at Barry as he looked over at her, not understanding what she was talking about until he remembered accidentally-on-purpose kissing her at the hospital after he'd nearly died. Barry recalled how unbelievably uncomfortable that situation was, and his cheeks turned crimson against his olive undertone. His eyes widened as he silently begged her to stop.

" Shit, I godda'go. "

Meryl shot down the last of her coffee and stood up, swiftly turning her chair around and to the table, behind her while then pointing at Willow-" You, " she got a more stern expression on her face as she exchanged looks with the couple, " were in some kind of accident or something and judging by that mild hematoma above your temple, you need to rest. I'll check on you later. " She let herself out, the stern tone letting Willow know that in a few hours she'd have to call and let her know what happened, which was an uncomfortable conversation she didn't want to have.


Their first date, which had been late and interrupted, was nothing but bliss for her. Willow would take any time she could with Barry, and over the next few weeks, they'd grow closer. Barry would take the time to shoot over from Central City and to Gotham, walking her home and going to pop-up food trucks or restaurants, and for once she was beginning to feel like she was living a normal life. Semi-normal would be more accurate, after all, she was dating a superhero. Barry had a separate life from her, one that she had been eager to be a part of. The hospital did consume a huge portion of her week, but as time had progressed at Gotham Med she did have the quick opportunity here and there. Three weeks after getting the moment of a lifetime with barry she'd been promoted to an attending physician for the hospital, and along with Meryl and one other male doctor, they gave direction to the medical students and interns. This allowed her some free time when she could let her students take over and stay on call.

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