Love me tender... (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Mike is still watching, silently. He knows something is up. 

{Eight hours later}

Elvis' P.O.V.

I look at Joe, hopin' no one else is 'round. This time is for good, me and Y/N are gonna escape together. Find a new home. Find a new place together. "Gimme that pickax and the crowbar." I take 'em from him as he hands 'em over. "Here, take this letter. Early in the mornin' deliver it to my father." I say, handin' him a goodbye letter. "Gimme the light." I lastly say, takin' the torch from my loyal servant. "Swear on your life, I command you, whatever you hear or see, stay away from me and don't interrupt me in my plan. I'm goin' down into this tomb of the dead, partly to behold my gal's face. But my main reason is to take a precious ring from her dead finger. I must use that ring for an important purpose. So go on your way. But if you get curious and return to spy on me, I swear I'll tear you 'part limb by limb and spread your body parts 'round to feed the hungry animals in the graveyard. My plan's wild and savage. I'm more fierce in this endeavor than a hungry tiger or the ragin' sea." I say, breathin' heavily as I get ready to open my lady's coffin.

"I'll go, sir, and I won't bother you." Joe says, steppin' back. "That's the way to show me friendship. Take this." I hand him some money, then smile. "Live and be prosperous. Farewell, fella." 

I then pretend to be extremely saddened by the happened occasion. "You horrible mouth of death! You've eaten up the dearest creature on Earth. Now I'm goin' to force open your rotten jaws and make you eat another body." I say, openin' the coffin. I see her hand, my heart is smilin' again. Suddenly, I hear a voice. "Stop your evil work, vile Presley! Can you take revenge on dead bodies? Condemned villain, I've caught you. Obey and come with me. You must die." I turn 'round and see that it's Mike. I knew he was still here. I quickly stand up, lookin' at him and takin' out my gun. "I must indeed. That's why I came here. Good and noble young man, don't mess with someone who's desperate. Get away from here and leave me. Think about the ones who have died. Let them put fear in your heart. Please, young man, don't make me angry. I don't want to commit another crime. Oh, go away! I swear, I love you more than I love myself. For I've come here with weapons to use against myself. Don't stay here, go away. Live, and from now on, say a madman mercifully told you to run away." I yell, shootin' in the air. 


Normal P.O.V.

You hear a gunshot. You quickly stand up from your coffin, the effect is over anyway. As soon as you run nearer to the place, you see Elvis and Mike fighting! This cannot be happening, someone scuppered your plan!! You try to hide, but it is too late. "Y/N! I knew you was lying, you piece of scumbag!" Mike says, rapidly pointing the gun at you. Elvis looks at you, you look at him. "Don't look at each other or one of you will die!" Mike yells, loading the gun. "Shoot me. I dare you." You say, looking into Mike's eyes. 


You find yourself laying on the grass, yet you are not dead. You see blood, but it is not yours. You look at Elvis, he is bleeding from his stomach. "Y/N..." He coughs up blood. You quickly hold him in your arms, but he turns around and shoots Mike at his head. You cannot help but giggle. "Y- You're laughin', satnin..." Your lover says, trying to reach your face with his hand. "C'mon honey, y- you gotta-" He coughs again. "P- Promise me somethin'." He says. "Anything, my love, anything..." You reply, tears are rolling down your face. "Promise me you- you'll come with me. I- I don't want any other man to- to experience the beauty of your face." 

You thought he would have asked you to live for him, yet, you admire his request. "N- No Elvis... You're gonna live, we're gonna make it to town..." You say, looking into his blue, weak eyes. His face is turning pale, his hands are beginning to feel cold. "Honey-" He coughs blood again, getting some on your face. "I- I won't live. You're gonna be fine. We're gonna be in Heaven, together, yeah?" He asks one more time. You nod. "I love you Elvis!! Stay with me!!" You yell, crying loudly. "I- I love y- you too, princess..." He says, letting himself go in your arms. His eyes are closed, he is not breathing anymore. What you thought was going to be a dream, is going to be your real death. You do not know what to do. You stare at him for a minute or two. 

He still looks so handsome: his eyes are closed, yet you still can see his depth

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He still looks so handsome: his eyes are closed, yet you still can see his depth. 

You look at his dead body, everything all you wanted in a man. 

You then take his knife from his pocket. You look at it for a while, trying to find out the reason why your plan went so bad. Then, you close your eyes and grit your teeth.

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