But it’s not.

Dan was the recipient of her playful smile and the gesture might as well have been loaded with daggers. My heart lurched at the feeling of absence. She would never look at me like that again, and I was cruelly selfish to wish otherwise. I continued to suffer as they walked to his car. My distaste was bitten back when he opened the passenger door for her and she climbed in.

“Fucking arsehole,” I muttered, turning away and proceeding around the corner.


It’s an odd feeling, something reserved for fairy tales of guardian angels.


“Mother fu…”

He was there again. For the last two afternoons he was there, spoiling the few minutes I cherished of seeing her after work. I pressed the bundled clothing I held tighter to my body, building the courage I had in motivation.

Nothing was really planned, there was no aim in which I sought to achieve other than the item I carried. I crossed the quiet road to the edge of the car park, vaulting the low wall with one hand. He shouted back into the shop, addressing a playfully urgent need for someone to join him outside. That was until he laid him eyes upon me.

Perhaps it was the way I was charging towards him or the strong clench to my jaw. I was pretty sure he predicted a punch to the face; well, that was what I assumed as he took a wary step back. I would have hit him, a clean right hook to knock him flat out, but I wasn’t there to cause injury.

Once my presence had settled in his mind the fear dissolved. I despised the look he gave me, one of confusion and subtle victory. There was little difference in our height, but much to compare in our need to assert dominance in the situation. I didn’t bother because I knew how conceited he was.

“Give this to her,” I firmly instructed.

My hand shoved at his chest, along with it, the fabric I’d creased into a ball.


He’d expected confrontation and it appeared he was a little annoyed at the lack of it. I felt sure he’d have loved to have told his friends about getting a hit in, confirming just how much of a prat he was.

“Just give it to her.”

Dan knew exactly of the person I spoke of. He was going to make this difficult, and even if it were true, my preference would have been with him rather than facing her.

“She doesn’t want anything from you. Not anymore.”

“Are you her representative now?”

He remained silent.

“You’re a smug prick, you know that?” I chimed.

Dan sniggered at my remark, not even attempting to deny it. He didn’t have to.

“Well, this smug prick,” he emphasised through gritted teeth, “is the one spending time with your ex-girlfriend.”

“You know fuck all,” I barked.

“I know that you left her. I know that she wants to move on.”

“With you?” I scoffed.

“She understands that I won’t hurt her.”

“Yeah well, I don’t abide by the same principles with you.”

I lunged forward, grabbing Dan by the scruff of his collar to anchor him in place and take aim. I had no worry of upsetting Bo now, I’d already done that. She probably hated my existence anyway, a fist thrown at Dan’s face wasn’t going to make much difference. His blue eyes looked dutifully shocked, but I soon learnt it wasn’t in result of my looming fist.

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