"It's an honor to meet you sir." I said. 

 "The honor is all mine." Anthony said as he kissed my hand. It took all my training not to cringe but instead smile.

"I'm just so proud of my Corey. I wanted to see him at work and bring him muffins I made just for him. Here you go baby." I said with a smile handing him the bag. 

 "Thank you so much my love." Corey said giving me a kiss. 

 "It was nice meeting you, but I should get back to Tulane for my last class." I said to explain the reason for my backpack. I gave Corey a kiss and waved by to the DA as I left. I left the building with a confident and unhurried walk. 

 "He came back early but I got everything done so we're fine. I used my backup plan as explanation for why I was there. Bringing my sweet boyfriend muffins because I'm so proud of him. Corey gave him my real name since I wasn't in any sort of disguise and I'm famous right now on the internet so if he gave a fake name it'd be easily spotted. The DA was too interested in me, so he'll definitely be looking which I think Corey knew hence not giving a cover name." I said. 

 "Scum better stay away. Will let Axel know." Raven said.   I nodded. Raven dropped me off for my last classes.

"Hey where were you?" Lana asked. 

 "Academy stuff." I said as I took the sandwich from her. I'd have to eat on my walk to class. We said bye as we rushed off to our classes. When I said Lana knew everything, I meant it. She knows all about the Academy. I remember how shitty it was the Blackbourne boys kept me in the dark about everything and I wouldn't do that to my bestie. I explained the Academy to her in detail so she understood that I couldn't tell her about missions. So when I said Academy stuff, she knows I was on a mission and enough said. If I'm injured, she knows it happened on a mission.

Once I was done with my classes I headed home for the family meeting. Marc had our shift covered at the café. I walked in and went to my room to drop off my bag and then went into the living room. Marc had food for me while we waited for others to get home from work. 

 "Whatever time the meeting finishes we'll go together to make the muffins. That'll be all we do because by the time we get there we won't be there for long so it's pointless. I had our whole shift covered." Marc said. 

 "Sounds good Rockstar." I said as I leaned into him on my barstool. I was eating my food at our island. Raven and Axel joined us. 

 "Just waiting on Brandon, Corey, and Sean now?" Axel asked and we nodded our heads.

Brandon was the first home from work at 4 pm. He made sure he had academy covering his shop while he would be pretending to be Corey at the DA's office. Sean was next to get home. So now we were just waiting on Corey. Finally after 5 Corey walked through the door and we all assembled on the sofa with me on Brandon's lap. Axel took the floor in front of us. 

 "First we'll discuss the mission. Sang you first." Axel said. 

 "Ok, so I had the idea to bring muffins with me just in case the DA came back to the office early so I had an excuse to be there. You know just dropping muffins off to my boyfriend because I'm sooo proud of him for getting this job. It's good thing I did because that's exactly what happened. I arrived and Code gave me the ok to go into the office. I was able to get the bugs and cameras put in so we're good. When I came out Corey and I were discussing if he got the phone hacked when the DA came back. So I sprung into proud girlfriend mode. No suspicion. Instead unfortunately I've gained his interest." I said. 

 "Good job on getting everything done and being fast on your feet with an explanation for the DA. Corey your turn." Axel said.

"I was able to get my phone by his to sync the two, so I now have access to the DA's phone. Hacker is correct and the DA is interested. I saw the interest too, so I introduced her by her real name. With her not being in a disguise and trending all over the internet there was no way I could lie when I knew he was going to look her up. Good thing I gave her real name because he did look her up. He had a phone call from a shifty partner who was reminding him that he needs to find someone to marry to continue looking like an upstanding citizen. He assured the unknown that he found someone perfect and that he just has to get her to break up with her wimpy boyfriend. So his sights is on our girl. He has events all this weekend, so we won't have to worry about him but next week he'll be making his moves to try and lure her." Corey said.

"Fuck. That's just what we need on top of this mission." Brandon said holding me tighter. 

 "I can protect myself." I said. 

 "Thank you for the update Corey. Good work. This is definitely a concern that we'll have to pay attention to. Corey when you're monitoring him make sure to see if he's planning on going to see our girl. Finally, the last item on the agenda is Sang herself. Classes during the day and then working 6 evenings a week. She does self defense with Raven on Mondays. Then Tuesday through Saturday she's at the café. It leave none of us with time with her. I found a way around it with running with her but even I want to actually go on a date with her. But we only have one day to work with. So I'd rather she earn money from her baking and then performing on Saturday and Sunday. We can setup a tip bucket as well which honestly, we should have already had for her. Then the pay from Mondays with Raven she shouldn't be hurting for cash and we now have evenings available to date her. Do we all agree?" Axel asked. There were 5 enthusiastic votes for agreeing. 

 "And you?" Axel asked. 

 "Actually, I agree. I need time to do my schoolwork. Working every evening doesn't really give me time. Unless I want to stay up all night and get no sleep. Which I don't want to do. It's been fine these first two weeks because I haven't been slammed with work, but I will be especially with it being my last year. So I agree." I said feeling relieved by this. 

 "That was it on the agenda for today's meeting. Unless anyone else wanted the floor?" Axel asked. 

 "Yes. Now that I have free time could Sunday be for all of us? Family day? I mean that's the reason we combined units to have this large living room and a dining room for dinners together, right?" I suggested. 

 "You're correct actually. Sunday is good. Everyone agree?" Axel asked. Everyone did and then the meeting was concluded.

Marc and I headed to the café to make the muffins. 

 "I'm going to miss working with you but honestly I look forward to being able to have dates with you too. I felt like I couldn't since I was already monopolizing all your time at work." Marc said. 

"I'm glad we can go on dates too now." I said with a smile as I leaned into him. As we made muffins, I played the songs we were practicing together so Marc could continue to get to know them since there were only 2 days until Friday. Wednesday and Thursday being the 2 days. I squealed out loud in excitement. 

 "What was that about?" Marc asked. 

 "Just feeling excited about the performances this weekend." I said with a wicked gleam in my eyes. After the muffins were done, we secured them and headed home.

I went to bed by myself so I could get schoolwork done. Once my schoolwork was done, I began studying for a test next week. I began yawning after a while and saw it was 10 pm so I packed my schoolwork away and went to bed.

A/N:  My boss called so it's good thing I've been writing obsessively.  I'm going back to work next Friday.  My intuition is spot on.


Anyways, mission drama!  Would it be an Academy fanfic without a mission where Sang receives undue interest that keeps the mission from going smooth?  Btw, in my story the Academy is an official organization with the govt along the lines of CIA except even more secretive as we all know the CIA exists but Americans DON'T know the Academy exists.  Which means technically they don't need jobs as they're paid by the Academy.  The jobs they work are their covers for the public.

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