Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

                Seto offered his hand and I took it. I spoke, "I think I'd better tell all of you."

                We talked outside—the guys had already loaded the tarp up and folded it and placed it in the back of the jeep. I was so frustrated—what are we supposed to do when we had to defend ourselves and yet we were helping the witch—no her name was Kya.

                I paced anxiously around them waiting for a response. I explained the dream thoroughly.

                "Are you really sure this is a reality mate?" Atticus asked I paced around anxiously in tight circles. Yugi, Joey and Tristan had loaded the tarp we had been camping in into the jeep.

                "I'm certain she's telling the truth," Seto answered to Atticus and then addressed to me, "You wouldn't act like an animal trapped in a cage if this wasn't a reality, plus these dreams have happened before."

                "I know but what are we supposed to do—" I said in frustration I whirled around on my heel again, "Attack and we're doomed and don't attack we're dead,"

                I leaned against a tree my fists clenched tightly,  Breanna spoke up, "Why don't we just attack them and worry about the consequences later?"

                Joey agreed, "Yeah, if we don't we're dead anyways,"

                "Because by doing that we're helping the person behind this—Kya—it means no matter what we're helping her cause. Attack and she gets stronger and don't attack and we're dead." Yusei said.


                Chloe walked back into the room and stared horrified as she couldn't find Iris or Ian anywhere.

                "Iris—Ian!!" She shouted worriedly, she dashed around the house. She glanced outside the house and towards the woods.

                "Oh, no..." She whispered terrified. She took off towards the woods, "Iris!!!....Ian!!!..."


                My heart was pounding anxiously inside my chest—with now idea how to stop this—what were we supposed to do?

                "And your wolf spirit had no idea how to stop this?"  Tristan asked.

                "No—Entrez has no clue," I punched a trunk of a tree in frustration. It shuddered in protest as a few leaves drifted out of the tree. "After everything—we're still backed up into a corner!" I snapped.

                We were silence all lost in our own thoughts. We were all backed into a corner and I hated to be the one to point it out. Taiya and the others looked to a point of breaking down in tears and the only ones who weren't ready to do that were ready to scream in frustration. Hmm...of those few people that would be me...

                Yusei put his hand on my shoulder, I could hear Seto let out a low growl, he ignored him, "Listen, we just have to do this together, we can't do this alone."

                Seto scoffed, "Oh great I famous "friendship" crap, just like that loser yugi."

                Yugi glared at him, "I am right here you know!" He sighed when Seto didn't say anything else, so he turned to me, "You mentioned how she said that we had to go about things differently—but how are we supposed to do that?"

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