In The Beginning...

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Disclaimer: We do not own Harry Potter. More epic spells would exist if we did. I do not own the OC either. That would be illegal...and downright creepy. *zabi-chan laughs maniacally*

The last thing I remember of the other world is it being warm. And then suddenly, it was cold. So cold, I was freezing. I opened my eyes, and all I could see was white. And then that too was gone.

My new (new) location was a hallway. I stood there for a while, not moving, while my brain was trying to figure out what the hell I'd gotten myself into. I didn't know how I got there. I didn't know how to get back. In the situation I found myself in, I did what most relatively sane people would do. I panicked. My heart was pounding, and short gasps of breath raced through my lips. I tried to calm down by taking in my surroundings. I notice red carpet, stone walls. Portraits and pictures moving and talking to each other... Wait, what? This is not normal. This is not supposed to happen. The only place where that happens is Hogwarts in Harry Potter! So, am I in Hogwarts then? Is this a dream? I just want to go back!

Actually... I don't know where "back" is either. I just remember being warm and the sound of typing. Something familiar to me. And I wasn't alone... There was ...someone with me. A female someone.... A... A... A She! Though that knowledge does not help me at all. But it's comforting to know someone may be missing me. Looking for me? It gets a bit easier to breathe. Hopefully, She will soon get me out. Meanwhile, I may as well figure out more about Hogwarts. Now that I'm sure someone will find me, I may as well take advantage. I mean... it's Hogwarts!

I walk up to one of the doors and try to open it, but my hand slides right through. Uh... that isn't supposed to happen... is it? I looked down at my hands, and felt the blood drain from my face. Translucent. White. I could see through my hands! At that moment, the door slammed open as classes ended and the students began to stream out. I tried to get their attention, but they looked right past me, like... like I was a ghost. Then someone walked through me, and I froze. Why is this happening? Who am I? Why can't I remember? Six people have passed through me... Why? What did I do to deserve this? And another... It's still cold, and that's all that hasn't changed.

AN: And that's our start. Give response, please? *zabi makes puppy dog eyes, * If you haven't caught on, Zabi (meaning me) is the OC going through this. Don't give up now if you're worried about the HPTR ship. It's coming.

And no, the OC will not be shipped with anyone. That's actually a running plot point. There are dual plots. The HPTR plotline, and the titular "Find Zabi" plot. And the FZ comes in much later, near the end.

PS. The HP/TR plot starts next chapter! ;-)

Extra note:

Its zabi-chan here and I am posting this preview / prologue of a story that me and Maranna Listten started writing together last year. The actual story will be on my accounts both on watt pad and, This is only a test and if there is no response on either accounts then we will not post it. They claim laziness and I claim procrastinator who dislikes extra work so please let us know. Yes, there's an OC. However, I can guarantee that she (meaning yours truly )will only be as annoying as I am in real life. Which isn't that bad (well at least I don't think so anyway...). So, good OC! So, if you have negative comments on the character, be nice about it and word it carefully. Because you will be talking about a real person. Thanks!

Thanks for reading.

Oh! And the image is basically what the OC looks like in the chapter with longer hair... (And I do not own that image, I found it on google!)

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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